Tang Prize

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The Tang Prize is a prize for scientific and socio-political achievements donated in December 2012 by the Taiwanese businessman Samuel Yin, which was awarded for the first time in 2014. The price is in the categories of Sustainable Development (Sustainable Development) , Biopharmaceutical Research (Biopharmaceutical Science) , Sinology and Rule of Law (in about the German concept of law awarded accordingly) and is equipped with 40 million NT $ endowed (as of 2014 about 1 million euros ). In addition, up to NT $ 10 million can be made available within five years for a research project proposed by the respective award winner.

The Academia Sinica annually together a committee to propose to the Board of Trustees of the group of nominations for each award three candidates. The Board of Directors of the Foundation , which ultimately determines the award winners, includes (as of 2016) the founder Samuel Yin as chairman and Chi-Huey Wong , president of Academia Sinica.

Award winners

year Sustainable development Biopharmaceutical Research Sinology Rule of Law
2014 Gro Harlem Brundtland James P. Allison , Tasuku Honjo Yu Ying-shih Albie Sachs
2016 Arthur H. Rosenfeld Emmanuelle Charpentier , Jennifer A. Doudna , Feng Zhang William Theodore de Bary Louise Arbor
2018 James E. Hansen , Veerabhadran Ramanathan Tony Hunter , Brian J. Druker , John Mendelsohn Stephen Owen , Yoshinobu Shiba Joseph Raz
2020 Jane Goodall Charles Dinarello , Marc Feldmann , Tadamitsu Kishimoto Wang Gungwu Bangladesh Environmental Lawyers Association , Dejusticia , Legal Agenda

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. board at tang-prize.org; Retrieved June 19, 2016