Teohari Georgescu

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Teohari Georgescu

Teohari Georgescu (born January 30, 1908 in Bucharest ; † January 30, 1976 ibid) was a Romanian politician of the Romanian Workers' Party PMR (Partidul Muncitoresc Român) and from 1965 PCR (Partidul Comunist Român) , who was Interior Minister between 1945 and 1952 as well from 1950 to 1952 was Vice Prime Minister.


Start of political career, arrests and stay in the USSR

After attending school, Georgescu worked as a printer in the Cartea Românească printing works from 1923 and was a member of the strike committee of this company in 1927. In 1929 he joined the then already banned Romanian Communist Party PCdR (Partidul Comunist din România) as a member. From March to October 1933 he was a member of the committee of the Gutenberg Printing Union and the Local Commission of the United Unions of Bucharest. After he was arrested for the first time in October 1933 for his political and trade union activities, he was held for two months in the Văcăreşti district of Bucharest . After his release, he worked again as a printer between December 1933 and June 1934 in the Cartea Românească printer and became a member of the General Council of the United Trade Unions of Romania (Sindicatelor Unitare din România) . He was arrested again on June 8, 1934, and was subsequently held in Jilava Detention Center for two months .

Georgescu, who led numerous aliases such as "Ionescu" (1934-1935), "Andrei" (1936-1937), "Popov" (June to September 1940) and "Mihai" (1940-1941), was named after him Arrested in January 1935 in Ploieşti, detained again for two months. Between 1936 and 1937 he worked in an illegal PCdR printer and was then between September 1937 and June 1938 Secretary of PCdR in Bucharest Sector 3 and a member of the Bucharest City Party Committee. At the same time he worked from 1937 to 1938 in the printing works of the daily Adevărul and Imprimeria Națională . He was then secretary of the Bucharest City Party Committee between August 1938 and September 1939 and was a member of the PCdR Central Committee for the first time from October 1939 to April 1940 . At the same time he was a member of the secretariat of the PCdR Central Committee from April 1940 to 1941. In April 1940 he accompanied Ștefan Foriș to the Soviet Union and learned there at the People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs of the USSR (NKVD) methods of coding messages and special techniques for writing messages on glass.

After his return, Georgescu was again a member of the PCdR Central Committee between April 1941 and October 21, 1945, although he was arrested again shortly after his arrival on April 23, 1941. He was then sentenced to ten years' imprisonment and was in Caransebeş detention center and Văcăreşti. In the Caransebeş prison he was a member of the leadership and organizational collective of the PCdR and was released from prison on August 25, 1944, two days after the royal coup d'état of August 23, 1944 .

People's Republic of Romania, rise and loss of power

On November 4, 1944, Georgescu became Undersecretary of State for Administrative Affairs in the Ministry of the Interior and held this office until February 28, 1945. A week later, on March 6, 1945, he finally became Minister of the Interior (Ministrul de intern) himself and held this ministerial post for more than seven years on May 28, 1952. After Ștefan Foriş was arrested on June 9, 1945, he was one of those who accused Foriş of high treason, along with Joseph Chisinevschi and Gavrila landlady . He was elected a member of the PCdR Central Committee at the National Conference (Conferința Națională) , which took place from October 16 to 22, 1945, and was a member of this until May 27, 1952. At the same time he became a member of the Politburo of the Central Committee and of the Central Committee's Secretariat, to which he also belonged until May 27, 1952. From 1946 to 1948 he was a member of the Chamber of Deputies (Camera Deputaților) and represented the constituency of Timișoara . In 1946 he was awarded the Officer 's Cross of the Order of Culture Merit (Ordinul Meritul Cultural) . In 1948 he became a member of the Grand National Assembly (Marea Adunare Națională) and represented in this until 1952 the constituency of Timișoara . He was also a member of the organization office of the Central Committee of the PMR from January 24, 1950 to May 27, 1952. At the same time he acted between March 17, 1950 and May 28, 1952 as Vice Prime Minister (Vicepreședinte al Consiliului de Miniștri) . As interior minister, he was the main initiator of the deportation to the Bărăgan Steppe , a 1951 organized deportation of more than 40,000 people of different ethnic groups , of which about a quarter of Romania German , from the border area at that Yugoslavia into between the capital Bucharest and the Danube located Bărăgansteppe .

After the plenum of the Central Committee of the PMR on May 26 and 27, 1952, he was relieved of all offices in the party and state as a member of the "anti-state and anti-party faction" around Foreign Minister Ana Pauker , Finance Minister Vasile Luca and Vice Minister for Foreign Trade Gheorghe Rădulescu . After the evaluation of documents, he was since June 17, 1952 to the "object" of the secret service Direcția Generală a Poliției de Siguranță (DGPS). With his disempowerment, the so-called “ Piteşti Experiment ”, a re-education measure initiated by parts of the DGPS secret service in the years 1949 to 1952, in which attempts were made to transform political prisoners into communist- oriented people, also ended. He was detained without trial for three years between February 18, 1953 and January 20, 1956, during which time he was subjected to around 190 interrogations.

After his final release from prison in April 1956, Georgescu worked initially as deputy director and finally as director of the printing house 13 Decembrie 1918 , which had emerged from the printing house Cartea Românească . He was rehabilitated in April 1968 at a plenum of the Central Committee of the PCR. On July 21, 1972 he became a candidate for the Central Committee of the PCR and held this position until November 28, 1974. He was awarded the title Hero of Socialist Labor (Erou al Muncii Socialiste) and the gold medal “Hammer and Sickle” (Medalia de aur "Secera și Ciocanul") awarded.


  • Cuvântarea ținută la Conferința administrativă de la Cluj, 25 septembrie 1945 , Bucharest 1945
  • La interese unice , Bucharest 1945
  • Discurs rostit în fața cetățenilor Sectorului III Albastru , Bucharest 1946
  • O vigilentă apărare a libertăților popular. Culegere de articole (1944 – iulie 1946) , Bucharest 1946;
  • 1877 cucerirea și 1944/45 redobândirea independenței naționale , Bucharest 1946
  • Bazele politice ale regimului de democrație populară , Bucharest 1949
  • Consiliile popular. Expunere făcută în fața Marii Adunări Naționale, miercuri 12 January 1949 , Bucharest 1949
  • Partidul și organizația unică revoluționară a tineretului muncitor Bucharest 1949
  • Cuvântare rostită la Conferința de unificare a Tineretului muncitor în ziua de 21 martie 1949 , Bucharest 1949
  • Expunere asupra proiectului de lege pentru raionarea teritorială a RPR , Bucharest 1950


  • Coliu Dumitru. In: Florica Dobre (ed.): Consiliul Național pentru Studiera Arhivelor Securității. Membrii CC al PCR 1945-1989. Dicționary. Editura Enciclopedicã, Bucharest 2004, ISBN 973-45-0486-X , p. 287 f. ( PDF; 12.1 MB ).