The Cave (2019, Tom Waller)

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Original title The Cave
Country of production Thailand , Ireland
Publishing year 2019
length 104 minutes
Director Tom Waller
script Katrina Grose ,
Don Linder ,
Tom Waller
production Tom Waller
music Olivier Lliboutry
camera Wade Muller
cut Lee Chatametikool , Asamaporn Samakphan

The Cave (also known as Nang Non in Thailand ) is a thriller by Tom Waller that premiered on October 5, 2019 as part of the Busan International Film Festival. The film drama recounts the rescue operation in the Tham Luang Cave in summer 2018.


When a soccer team, twelve boys aged 11 to 16 and their 25-year-old coach, stuck deep inside a cave in northern Thailand, thousands of volunteers and soldiers from all over the world join forces to fight against time to find. When the cubs are found alive ten days later, the only way out is a seemingly impossible five-hour dive that only experienced cave divers can survive.


The Tham Luang Cave is a cave system in the mountain range of the Doi Nang Non Mountains and is located in the approximately 8 km² forest reserve of the Tham Luang - Khun Nam Nang Non Forest Park in the province of Chiang Rai, approximately 60 km from the provincial capital , on the border with Myanmar. It was measured over a length of around 10 kilometers, but has other so far unexplored continuations.

Preparation of the rescue operation on June 27, 2018

When twelve boys from the youth football team Moo Pah ("wild boars") went on a bike trip to the Tham Luang Cave with their coach after a football training session on June 23, 2018, they were surprised by heavy rains while they were in the cave. Since parts of the way back from the cave were flooded, they could not get out on their own. When a search was initiated, police officers found equipment from the soccer team such as bicycles and soccer shoes in the entrance area of ​​the cave, whereupon Thai military divers began to search the cave. On June 26th, the Thai authorities officially asked for assistance from the British Cave Rescue Council. The British cave diving specialists Richard Stanton and John Volanthen and the British cave explorer Robert Harper then flew to Thailand on the same day. In addition, the search team was reinforced by 30 soldiers from the United States Pacific Command. With combined forces, the group, which was about 400 meters behind the cave section called Pattaya Beach, was finally brought out of the cave.


The director was the Thai-Irish filmmaker Tom Waller , who was born in Bangkok and grew up in Great Britain and who also worked on the script with Katrina Grose and Don Linder .

The film was shot in Thailand, Ireland and the United Kingdom. Some scenes were filmed on site at the entrance to Tham Luang Cave. “We filmed all year round in real water caves that were flooded. The film is very authentic in terms of real caves, real flooded tunnels, real divers and real crawling animals. So it was no easy task to get a crew to film in these caves, ”said Waller. Wade Muller acted as cameraman .

The film was first shown on October 5, 2019 as part of the Busan International Film Festival . From October 8, 2019, it was shown at the Vancouver International Film Festival and from October 11, 2019 at the London Film Festival , before it was shown in theaters in Thailand on November 21, 2019.


Cork Film Festival 2019

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Wendy Ide: 'The Cave': Busan Review. In:, October 5, 2019.
  2. a b The film about rescuing the cave has its premiere. In: Der Farang, October 1, 2019.
  3. The Cave. In: Retrieved November 5, 2019.