The Man Who Was Nobody

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Original title The Man Who Was Nobody
Country of production United Kingdom
original language English
Publishing year 1960
length 58 minutes
Director Montgomery Tully
script James Eastwood , Edgar Wallace
production Jack Greenwood ,
Jim O'Connolly
music Francis Chagrin
camera Brian Rhodes
cut Bernard Gribble

The Man Who Was Nobody (translated " The Man Who Was Nobody ") is a British crime film directed by Montgomery Tully in 1960 . It was produced by the film company Merton Park Studios . The screenplay comes from James Eastwood and builds on the novel of the same name (Eng. The Man Who Changed His Name ) by Edgar Wallace . The film was one of the first installments of the Edgar Wallace Mysteries , a series of 47 Edgar Wallace film adaptations made by Merton Park Studios between 1960 and 1965; it was never shown in Germany.


Marjorie Stedman is a private detective and is assigned to find a Mr. Tynewood. With the help of the mysterious "South Africa Smith" she finds out that Tynewood is said to have been killed by the diamond smuggler Franz Reuter. Smith turns out to be Tynewood, however, and together they manage to confront Reuter. He engages in a firefight with the police and is shot dead. Meanwhile, Stedman and Tynewood fall in love and decide to stay together.


In their Das Edgar Wallace Lexikon from 2004, Joachim Kramp and Jürgen Wehnert cite a review of the film by the Monthly Film Bulletin . The film is "a free and also very confused adaptation of a novel by Edgar Wallace, in which a private-eye heroine played by Hazel Court peddles her noble upbringing like an oversized flag." They add that the director is mine “Ideas of the underworld and upper world in Chelsea” suggest “that he himself experienced a very ideal world”.

supporting documents

  1. ^ "Man Who Was Nobody, The (film)." In: Joachim Kramp, Jürgen Wehnert: The Edgar Wallace Lexikon. Life, work, films. It is impossible not to be captivated by Edgar Wallace! Verlag Schwarzkopf & Schwarzkopf, Berlin 2004; Pp. 414-415. ISBN 3-89602-508-2 .
  2. ^ Review of the Monthly Film Bulletin from January 1961, quoted from "Man Who Was Nobody, The (Film)." In: Joachim Kramp, Jürgen Wehnert: The Edgar Wallace Lexikon. Life, work, films. It is impossible not to be captivated by Edgar Wallace! Verlag Schwarzkopf & Schwarzkopf, Berlin 2004; P. 420. ISBN 3-89602-508-2 .

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