Thelocactus macdowellii

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Thelocactus macdowellii
Thelocactus macdowellii

Thelocactus macdowellii

Order : Clove-like (Caryophyllales)
Family : Cactus family (Cactaceae)
Subfamily : Cactoideae
Tribe : Cacteae
Genre : Thelocactus
Type : Thelocactus macdowellii
Scientific name
Thelocactus macdowellii
( Rebut ex Quehl ) Glass

Thelocactus macdowellii is a species of plant from the genus Thelocactus in the cactus family(Cactaceae). The epithet of the species honors the Mexican gardener and plant collector José Alberto McDowell.


Thelocactus macdowellii is broadly spherical only 4 to 10 centimeters high and 4 to 12 centimeters wide with a yellow felt apex. The ribs , sometimes more than 30,  are divided into 5 to 7 millimeters high, conical, rhombic warts at the base . The initially abundant areoles have about 15 to 25 needle-shaped radial spines with a length of 1.5 to 2 centimeters on the tip. The 3 to 4  central spines are all 3 to 5 inches long and straw yellow.

The flowers are 4 to 8 inches wide, funnel-shaped and up to 4 inches long. The color of the flowers varies from rose red to magenta. The ovaries are bare and have wide scales.

Distribution, systematics and endangerment

Thelocactus macdowellii is endemic to the Mexican states of Coahuila , Nuevo León and the Chihuahua Desert in a very limited area at 1,500 meters.

It was first described as Echinocactus macdowellii in 1894 by Rebut ex Quehl . Charles Edward Glass placed them in the genus Thelocactus in 1969 . Synonyms are Echinocactus macdowellii Rebut ex Quehl (1894), Echinomastus macdowellii (Rebut ex Quehl) Britton & Rose (1922), Neolloydia macdowellii (Rebut ex Quehl) HE Moore (1975), Thelocactus conothelos var. Macdowellii (Rebut ex Quehl) Glass & RA Foster (1977).

In the Red List of Threatened Species of IUCN is the species as " Near Threatened (NT) ", d. H. listed as low risk.



  • Alwin Berger : Cacti - instructions for culture and knowledge of the most important introduced species . Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart 1929, p. 251 .
  • NL Britton , JN Rose : The Cactaceae. Descriptions and Illustrations of Plants of the Cactus Family . tape III . The Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington 1923, p. 151 ( online ).
  • Ulises Guzmán, Salvador Arias, Patricia Dávila: Catálogo de cactáceas mexicanas . Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City 2003, ISBN 970-9000-20-9 , pp. 230 .
  • Karl Schumann : Complete description of the cacti (Monographia cactacearum) . J. Neumann, Neudamm 1899, p. 441-442 ( online ).

Individual evidence

  1. Urs Eggli, Leonard E. Newton: Etymological Dictionary of Succulent Plant Names . Birkhäuser, 2004, ISBN 3-540-00489-0 , p. 143.
  2. Rebut ex Quehl monthly for cacti customer 4: 133-134 1894 ( online )
  3. C. Glass: Cact. Suc. Mex. , 14: 4. 1969.
  4. Thelocactus macdowellii in the Red List of Threatened Species of the IUCN 2013.2. Posted by: Gómez-Hinostrosa, C., Hernández, HM, Sotomayor, M. & Smith, M., 2009. Retrieved December 14, 2013.

Web links

Commons : Thelocactus macdowellii  - Collection of images, videos and audio files