Theodor Wanner Prize

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The Theodor Wanner Prize has been awarded since 2009. The prize is named after Theodor Wanner , through whose initiative the German Foreign Institute (DAI), today's Institute for Foreign Relations (ifa), was founded in 1917.

The ifa awards the Theodor Wanner Prize to people who have made outstanding contributions to the dialogue between cultures with their scientific, social, socio-political, artistic, entrepreneurial, financial or other commitment. The prize was donated by the Friends' Association for the Institute for Foreign Relations and is endowed with 10,000 euros, which are earmarked for a project of the prize winner. The Federal Foreign Minister is the patron of the Theodor Wanner Prize .


The selection of the award winners is made by a majority decision of a jury appointed by the board of the association for the institute for foreign relations. The jury is free to choose. Proposals can be submitted by members of the Association for the Promotion of the Institute for Foreign Relations, members of the Institute for Foreign Relations (ifa), the presidium of the ifa, the advisory boards and the employees of the ifa.

Award winners

year Award winners presented by Laudator
2009 Daniel Barenboim , pianist and conductor Ursula Seiler-Albring , Adam-Claus Eckert Joschka Fischer
2010 Carla Del Ponte , Swiss Federal Prosecutor Ronald Graetz Jutta Limbach
2011 Jacques Delors , European politician Hans-Dietrich Genscher
2013 Yoko Ono , artist, musician and activist Guido Westerwelle
2014 Ernesto Cardenal , poet and theologian Ronald Graetz Norbert Lammert
2016 Human Rights Watch Bärbel Kofler
2017 Silvia of Sweden Sigmar Gabriel
2019 Federica Mogherini , European politician Heiko Maas

Individual evidence

  1. a b Theodor Wanner Prize. State capital Stuttgart, accessed on April 10, 2018 .
  2. ^ Institute for Foreign Relations eV: Human Rights Watch. Retrieved March 8, 2018 .
  3. Silvia receives Theodor Wanner Prize in Berlin. NDR, September 27, 2017, accessed April 10, 2018 .

Web links