Theodor Angehrn

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Theodor Angehrn SJ ( Hungarian Angehrn Tivadar; born November 23, 1872 in Hagenwil near Amriswil , Canton Thurgau ; † February 29, 1952 in Feldkirch , Vorarlberg , Austria ) was a Swiss Jesuit and astronomer .


Coming from a family with seventeen children, he attended secondary school in Schwyz , a former Jesuit college. In 1893 he entered the Society of Jesus in Tyrnau . He completed his novitiate and studied philosophy in Pressburg from 1895 to 1898 , then from 1898 to 1902 in Mariaschein and Kalocsa . From 1903 to 1906 he studied theology at the University of Innsbruck , in 1905 he was ordained a priest in Innsbruck.

From 1906 he studied astronomy at the universities of Vienna and Budapest with Radó von Kövesligethy (1862-1934), then director of the Cosmographic Institute in Budapest, and attended lectures in mathematics, meteorology and seismology. From 1906 to 1909 he worked as Julius Fényi's assistant at the Haynald Observatory in Kalocsa. In 1909 he received his doctorate. In 1913 he was appointed director of the Haynald Observatory as the successor to Fenyis, who had to give up the post for health reasons. He initially continued Féyni's solar observations and published his prominences observations. From 1920 he put the emphasis on meteorological observations. He led the observatory through the two world wars and the economically difficult interwar period. In 1949 he was arrested by the State Security Service and was only allowed to leave the country after the Swiss ambassador intervened. In 1950 the observatory was closed by the communist government.

Angehrn was a member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences .


  • A soláris konstans megállaptása. A kalocsai sugárzásmérésekböl. Franklin-Társulat, Budapest 1909 (dissertation).
  • Fényi Gyula SJ 1845-1927. Pesti Könyvnyomda, Budapest 1928.
  • A Haynald Obscervatórium. A csillagda 50 éves jubileuma alkalmából. Árpád részvénytársaság Könyvnyomdája, Budapest / Kalocsa 1928.
  • A kalocsai csapadékviszonyok. Stephaneum Nyomda és Könyvkiadó, Budapest 1932.
  • Légáramlások Kalocsán. Az anemograf tizves adatai alapján székfoglaló értekezés. Csapp János Könyvnyomda, Kisújszállás 1936.
  • Kalocsa hömérséklete (1881–1930). Árpád részvénytársaság Könyvnyomdája, Budapest / Kalocsa 1940.
  • Imádkoztassuk betegeinket. Korda Kiadó, Budapest 1941.


  • Ferdinand Strobel : Angehrn, Theodor . In: Charles E. O'Neill (ed.): Diccionario histórico de la Compañía de Jesús: biográfico-temático . tape 1 : AA Costa Rica. Universidad Pontifica Comillas, Madrid 2001, ISBN 978-84-8468-037-6 , pp. 168 ( digitized version in Google book search).
  • Augustín Udías: Searching the Heavens and the Earth: The History of Jesuit Observatories (= Astrophysics and Space Science Library. Vol. 286). Springer, Dordrecht 2003, ISBN 978-90-481-6252-9 , DOI: 10.1007 / 978-94-017-0349-9 , p. 76.
  • Agustín Udías: The Correspondence of Johann Georg Hagen, First Jesuit Director of the Vatican Observatory, with Directors of Jesuit Observatories. In: Journal of Jesuit Studies. Volume 3 (2016), pp. 259-278, DOI: 10.1163 / 22141332-00302005 .
  • To Tivadar. In: Jezsuita névtár.

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