Theodor von der Goltz

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Theodor von der Goltz

Theodor Alexander Georg Ludwig Freiherr von der Goltz (born July 10, 1836 in Koblenz , † November 6, 1905 in Bonn ) was a German agricultural scientist .



Theodor came from the old Neumark noble family von der Goltz . He was the son of Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Ferdinand Philipp Wilhelm von der Goltz (* May 7, 1800 in Königsberg; † April 28, 1870 in Koblenz) and his wife Maria Goebel (* June 30, 1804 in Solingen; † May 22, 1864 in Koblenz), the sister of the theologian Maximilian Goebel (born March 13, 1811 in Solingen; † December 13, 1857 in Koblenz). Major General Alexander Wilhelm von der Goltz was his grandfather.


Together with his brother Hermann Alexander Georg Maximilian , who was one year older than him , he attended high school in Koblenz . In autumn 1853 he began studying law and political science at the University of Erlangen and joined the Wingolf student association . After studying for a semester at the University of Bonn, he was forced to interrupt his studies in 1854 because of a serious eye disease. He decided to do a more practical training and completed an agricultural training, where he got to know the practice of agriculture for a year in Ramelow in Pomerania. From autumn 1858 he studied at the Agricultural Academy in Bonn-Poppelsdorf . After taking his final exam there in 1860 and in August 1860 he took a position as an agricultural teacher at the agricultural school in Gut Riesenrodt near Werdohl in the Altena district ( Westphalia ). There he wrote a treatise on the possibility and usefulness of agricultural associations together with proposals for their organization .

In 1862 he received his doctorate in philosophy at the University of Leipzig , after which Goltz took over a teaching position at the Agricultural Academy Waldau (East Prussia) and at the same time took over the management of the agricultural school there. In 1869 he moved to the University of Königsberg as a full professor of agriculture . In 1865 an order from the Prussian government took him to the newly acquired province of Schleswig-Holstein, in 1867 he was sent to the Paris World Exhibition and in June 1869 he was appointed full professor and director of the Agricultural University Institute established there. In Koenigsberg, he not only took part in agricultural issues, but was also involved in church and social issues. In the summer semester of 1885 Goltz was rector of the Albertina . In the winter semester of 1885/86 he accepted a professorship for agricultural studies at the University of Jena , where he became director of the agricultural institute in Jena and he was appointed court advisor of Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach. In Jena, too, he took part in the organizational tasks of the university and was rector of the Salana in the winter semester of 1893 . In 1895 he took over the position of director of the Agricultural Academy Bonn-Poppelsdorf and a full professorship for agriculture and agricultural policy at the University of Bonn . In this double function he worked there until his death. Goltz was a knight of the ducal Saxon house order of the white falcon and bearer of the Prussian red eagle order III. Class .


Theodor von der Goltz married Berta Agnes Therese Theodora Karoline Wilhelmine Ferdinande Freiin von der Goltz (born March 29, 1838 - December 27, 1901 in Bonn) on July 23, 1869. The daughter Maria Theodora Freiin von der Goltz (born October 29, 1870, † October 16, 1951) comes from the marriage.

Research priorities

Goltz is one of the most important agricultural scientists of the last third of the 19th century. In addition to agricultural policy, his main interest was primarily the economic issues of agriculture. He left an extensive scientific work. He published his fundamental contributions mainly in compilations, encyclopedias and in commemorative publications. He mastered the art of summarizing the knowledge of the individual disciplines in textbooks and manuals. In doing so, he has sustainably improved the reputation and status of the economic subject areas within agricultural studies. Many of his works were reprinted at relatively short intervals. Up to twenty years after his death, his student Conrad von Seelhorst revised and edited several of his textbooks and manuals.

In conjunction with leading agronomists, Goltz published a three-volume handbook on the whole of agriculture in 1889/90 , which has been the authoritative encyclopaedic reference work for agricultural science for several decades. Goltz's agricultural thinking was strongly influenced by history. He made a name for himself as an agricultural historian with his two-volume book History of German Agriculture , published in 1902/03 . For the history of agricultural sciences at the end of the 18th and 19th centuries, it is still a highly informative standard work.

Works (selection)

  • Agricultural accounting . Paul Parey publishing house, Berlin 1866; 13. u. 14th edition, revised by Conrad von Seelhorst, ibid. 1922 = Thaer-Bibliothek Bd. 2.
  • The rural labor question and its solution . Verlag Kafemann, Danzig 1872; 2. reworked. Edition ibid. 1874.
  • Agricultural taxation theory . 2 parts, Paul Parey publishing house, Berlin 1880; 3. redesigned Ed., Ibid. 1903.
  • Handbook of agricultural management . Paul Parey publishing house, Berlin 1886; 4th edition, revised by Conrad von Seelhorst, ibid. 1912.
  • Handbook of the Whole Agriculture . In conjunction with specialist colleagues, published by Theodor Freiherr von der Goltz, Verlag der H. Laupp'schen Buchhandlung Tübingen 1889/90. Vol. 1: Economic basics and economics of agriculture (1890), Vol. 2: The arable and plant cultivation (1889), Vol. 3: The agricultural animal husbandry and the agricultural ancillary trades (1890).
  • The rural working class and the Prussian state . Publisher G. Fischer, Jena 1893.
  • Guide to agricultural management . Paul Parey publishing house, Berlin 1897; 7th improved edition edited by Conrad von Seelhorst, ibid. 1922 = Thaer-Bibliothek Bd. 93.
  • Festschrift to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Royal Prussian Agricultural Academy in Poppelsdorf. Reichsdr. Berlin, Bonn 1897. Digitized
  • Agriculture and Agricultural Policy . Verlag G. Fischer, Jena 1899; 2. reworked. Ed., Ibid. 1904.
  • History of German Agriculture . 2 volumes, Cotta publishing house, Stuttgart 1902/03. Unchanged reprints: Scientia-Verlag Aalen 1963 u. 1984.


  • Kurt Munier: Theodor Freiherr von der Goltz. A picture of his life and work (= reports of the Agricultural Institute of the University of Königsberg i. Pr. H. 18). Parey, Berlin 1921 (with picture and extensive bibliography).
  • Heinz HaushoferGoltz, Theodor Alexander Georg Ludwig von der. In: New German Biography (NDB). Volume 6, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1964, ISBN 3-428-00187-7 , p. 635 f. ( Digitized version ).
  • Donata von Nerée: Theodor Freiherr vd Goltz (1836–1905) - a social reformer? In: Yearbook of the Albertus University of Königsberg / Pr. Vol. 29, 1994 (1995), pp. 663-677.
  • Helmut Gaede : On the field of the ear. Docupoint, Magdeburg 2004, pp. 206f.
  • Hartmut Boettcher : Goltz, Theodor Frhr. of the. In: Paths of life in Thuringia. Fifth collection, Vopelius, Jena 2015, pp. 95–98.
  • Anton Bettelheim: Biographical Yearbook and German Nekrolog. Georg Reimer, Berlin 1907, vol. 10, vol. 1905, p. 227 ( online )
  • German Order Almanac. (OA) Carl Duncker, Berlin, 1904/05 346 ( online )

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