Theodor Heinrich Friedrich

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Theodor Heinrich Friedrich (born October 30, 1776 in Königsberg (Neumark) , † December 12, 1819 in Hamburg ) was a German satirical writer.


From 1793 Friedrich studied at the University of Frankfurt / Oder and Halle jurisprudence and was Regierungsassessor in Plock . Friedrich wavered between a bourgeois career and being an artist. After working briefly as a painter in Dresden , he returned to the civil service in 1806 and became a higher regional judge. In 1813 with the Lützow Freikorps , from 1815 he lived as a freelance writer in Berlin , Vienna and Hamburg . In Hamburg, at the age of 43, he drowned himself out of displeasure in the Elbe.


The subject of his satires was often the tension between enthusiasm and enlightenment; as a patriot, he often dealt with the Franco-German relationship. Friedrich met the public's taste; Contemporaries, however, criticized his superficiality, which offered only “shallow entertainment” “without core jokes” and encouraged amateur politicization.

Fonts (selection)

  • Hypochondria. Berlin 1809
  • Cousin Kukuk. Berlin 1811
  • Satyrical campaigns. 3 episodes, Berlin 1814-16, reprinted as Peter and the luck of stupidity . Berlin 1962
  • Connexions or the way to office. Berlin 1815
  • The ghost, or the interrupted rehearsal . In: New library of small plays for private companies. A counterpart to the Deutsche Schaubühne. 3rd part. Augsburg and Leipzig 1818. Google Books


Web links

Wikisource: Theodor Heinrich Friedrich  - Sources and full texts


  1. ^ Hans Schröder: Lexicon of the Hamburg writers. Volume 2, 1854, sv
  2. Walther Killy: Literature Lexicon. Vol. 4 sv