Theophilus Andreas Hagemann

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Theophilus Andreas Hagemann (* 1661 in Osterode am Harz ; † April 9, 1742 Hann. Münden ) was a German theologian.


Theophilus Andreas Hagemann was a son of pastor Andreas Hagemann, who worked in Osterode am Harz . In his younger years "[...] he took a Baron von Bodenhausen on a journey."

After completing his studies, Hagemann worked as a preacher in Einbeck for 13 years and then as superintendent in Hann for 41 years . Münden . There he was temporarily the owner of the - preserved - half-timbered house at the current address Schmiedestrasse 11 (former house number also 2 ).

He was married to Anna Margarete Rettberg (1673-1691), then with Emerentia Agnes Berckelmann (1670-13 December 1731), a daughter of the Einbeck city ​​physician Johann Heinrich Wilhelm Berckelmann and granddaughter of Theodor Berckelmann . His daughters were Juliane Catharina Hagemann, who married her stepmother's brother, Anna Lucia Hagemann (1696–1776), whose husband Andreas Münter became a pastor in Osterode, and Dorothea Elisabeth Hagemann married. Reusch. His son Andreas Wilhelm Hagemann (1696–1773) followed him as superintendent in Hann. Münden and later was pastor in Hardegsen . His brother Henrich August Hagemann (1704–1771) was a pastor in Landringhausen .

His tomb is in the St. Blasius Church in Hann. Münden on the lower south wall of the choir.


Several printed works by Theophilus Andreas Hagemann are known.

  • Johann Andreas Schmidt, Otto Johannes Michael Neovin (author), Erh. Weigelius, Carl Caffa, Theophilus Andreas Hagemann (contributors): Praeside M. Jo. Andr. Schmidt / Fac. Philos. Adiuncto Rarissima Duo Phoenomena Lunam In Cruce Visam d. XXX. Decembr. hIpmn MDCLXXX. Et Meteorum Ignitum Quod d. V. Decembr. hVpm MDCLXXXII. Apparuit eruditorum disquisitioni exponet Otto Joh. Michael Neovin Auburgo-Westph. ; Digitized version of the University of Halle

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Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Heinrich Wilhelm Rotermund : The learned Hanover or lexicon of writers, learned businessmen and artists who have lived and are still alive since the Reformation in and outside of all the provinces belonging to the Kingdom of Hanover, compiled from the most credible writers. Vol. 2, Schünemann, Bremen 1823, p. 227; Preview over google books
  2. Rudolf Wegner: Schmiedestraße 11 , photographs and further information on the page , last accessed on April 22, 2017