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Thestor was a son of Apollon and Laothoe in Greek mythology . He was one of the Argonauts . In his capacity as a seer he was also called Idmon . In the Iliad he is mentioned as the father of the seer Kalchas and Alkmaon . In Hyginus , Theoklymenos are also considered his son and Leukippe and Theonoë as his daughters.

In the last-mentioned episode it is told that Theonoë was kidnapped by pirates as a young girl because of her great beauty and sold to King Icarus of Caria . Her father looked for her in vain for a long time until he was shipwrecked and also a pirate prisoner. By chance they sold him to the same king Icarus, but Thestor did not recognize his daughter Theonoë. This had won the king's affection. Later her sister Leukippe came to the court of Icarus, disguised as a priest, by order of an oracle . But Theonoë did not recognize her sister, but fell in love with the supposed priest, but was turned away. Furious, she ordered Thestor, who was her slave at court , to kill the disguised leukippe. Lamenting his social decline into slavery and the loss of his daughter, Thestor would rather choose suicide than accept the shame of murder. Then his daughter recognized him. King Icarus learned of the strange meeting of the three family members at his court, considered them to be favorites of the gods, gave them rich gifts and allowed them to return home.



  1. Apollonios of Rhodes 1, 139
  2. Homer , Iliad 1:69; 12, 394
  3. ^ Hyginus , Fabulae 128
  4. ^ Hyginus, Fabulae 190