This night

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German title This night
Original title This night
Country of production Federal Republic of Germany
Publishing year 1966
length 8 minutes
Director Rainer Werner Fassbinder
script Rainer Werner Fassbinder
production Christoph Roser
camera Rainer Werner Fassbinder

This Night is the first film by the German director, author and actor Rainer Werner Fassbinder from 1966 , which he made at the age of 21.

Nothing is known about the content of the short film made in July 1966. He is considered lost . It is reported that it was turned to 8 mm and in color.

The actor Christoph Roser financed the film. Fassbinder himself directed, screenplay and camera. The director is also said to have acted in front of the camera for his first film.

After this film, Fassbinder made the black and white short film Der Stadtstreicher in November 1966 , his first surviving film.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. This Night ( Memento from July 9, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) at