Thomas Duprat

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Thomas Duprat , also Thomas Du Prat , (* around 1488 in Issoire , † November 19, 1528 in Modena ) was a French Catholic clergyman and bishop of Clermont .


Origin and family

Thomas Duprat was born around 1488 as the son of Antoine Duprat, Seigneur de Verrières, and his second wife Jeanne Boyer. His older half-brother from his father's first marriage was the future Chancellor of France and Cardinal Antoine Duprat ; his younger brother Claude (around 1475-1532) also chose a spiritual career and later became Bishop of Mende .

Church career

On June 3, 1517 Thomas Duprat was called Bishop of Clermont. He was ordained episcopal on December 6th of the same year by the Bishop of Lisieux Jean Le Veneur ; Co- consecrators were Antoine d'Estaing , Bishop of Angoulême , and Pierre de Martigny , Bishop of Castres .

During his episcopate he had the episcopal residences in Clermont , Beauregard-l'Évêque and Mauzun expanded.

In 1528, King Francis I appointed Thomas Duprat to accompany Princess Renée when she traveled to Italy to marry Ercole II. D'Este , Duke of Ferrara , Modena and Reggio Emilia . In Modena, Duprat fell seriously ill and died on November 19, 1528 at the age of about 40. He was buried in the Church of San Lorenzo in Modena.


  • Hugues Du Tems: Le clergé de France, ou tableau historique et chronologique des archevêques, évêques et abbés ... Diocèse de Clermont, pp. 146–147.
  • Benoît Gonod: Chronology of the évêques de Clermont et des principaux événements de l'histoire ecclésiastique de l'Auvergne. Clermont-Ferrand 1833, pp. 45-46.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c Duprat In: Johann Samuelersch, Johann Gottfried Gruber (Ed.): General Encyclopedia of Sciences and Arts in alphabetical order. AG. 28., Drus-Dziewonna, Volume 28, Brockhaus, Leipzig 1836, p. 343
  2. ^ Entry on Thomas Du Prat on
predecessor Office successor
Jacques d'Amboise Bishop of Clermont
Guillaume Duprat