Thomas Felke

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Thomas Felke, 2012

Thomas Felke (born April 13, 1963 in Bernburg (Saale) ) is a German SPD politician . From 1990 to 2016 he was a member of the state parliament of Saxony-Anhalt .

Life and work

Thomas Felke passed his Abitur in 1981. From 1983 to 1987 he studied at the engineering school for traffic engineering in Dresden . He completed his studies with a degree in civil engineering (FH) and added a distance learning course at the Dresden University of Transport until 1989 . From 1987 to 1989 he worked as a bridge inspector in the Magdeburg District Road Administration . He then worked as a technologist at the Reich Railway Directorate in Halle until 1990 .

Thomas Felke has three children and lives in a community.

Politics / party

In 1989 Felke joined the Social Democratic Party in the GDR (SDP).


Felke was a member of the state parliament of Saxony-Anhalt from 1990 to 2016. In the state elections in 1990 , 1994 , 2002 , 2006 and 2011 , he was elected to the state parliament via the state list of the SPD, in the state election in 1998 he won the direct mandate in constituency 39 (Hall II) . In 2006 and 2011 he applied for a direct mandate in constituency 35 (Hall I) . During his membership in parliament he was among other things chairman of the committee for regional development and transport, member of the committee for federal and European affairs as well as media and spokesman for housing and urban development of the SPD parliamentary group.

From 2004 to 2014 Felke was a city councilor in Halle (Saale) , currently (as of 2019) he is an expert resident .

further activities

  • Deputy chairman of the AWO district association Halle eV
  • Board member of the Halle-Saalkreis eV volunteer agency
  • Assessor in the presidium of the Stadtsportbund Halle (Saale) eV
  • Tenants' Association Halle
  • Association for the promotion of the cooperative concept
  • Halle Neustadt Association
  • Citizens' initiative Paulusviertel
  • Friends of the Francke Foundations
  • Member of the supervisory board of Bauverein Halle und Leuna eG
  • Member of the supervisory board of Technologie- und Gründerzentrum Halle GmbH

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Council information system. City of Halle (Saale), accessed on April 19, 2019 .