SPD Saxony-Anhalt

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SPD Saxony-Anhalt
Juliane Kleemann Andreas Schmidt
Juliane Kleemann
Andreas Schmidt
Logo SPD Saxony-Anhalt.svg
Chairperson Juliane Kleemann
Andreas Schmidt
Deputy Armin Willingmann
Katharina Zacharias
Treasurer Steffen Eichner
Manager Friederike Rösler
Establishment date 12-18 October 1990
Place of establishment Halle (Saale)
Headquarters Ernst Reuter House
Bürgelstrasse 1
39104 Magdeburg
Landtag mandates
Number of members 3,385 (as of December 31, 2020)
Website spd-sachsen-anhalt.de

The SPD Saxony-Anhalt is the regional association of the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) in Saxony-Anhalt . In December 2020 it had 3,385 members.

History of the SPD in Saxony-Anhalt

19th century

Saxony-Anhalt only existed as a state after the Second World War until 1952 and then from 1990. However, the social democratic tradition of its regions is old and important. When Erich Ollenhauer was born in Magdeburg in 1901 , this city was already a social democratic stronghold with a special tradition. In 1808 the socialist Wilhelm Weitling was born here, in 1868 Julius Bremer founded the “Social Reform Association”, which in 1869 joined the General German Workers' Association. In 1876 the SPD newspaper "Magdeburger Freie Presse" was founded, in 1878 Wilhelm Bracke ran as the first Social Democrat for the Reichstag, and in 1884 the Magdeburger elected the Social Democrat August Heine as their member of the Reichstag. The SPD newspaper “ Volksstimme ” was founded in 1890 , and in 1901 the “Social Democratic Association for Magdeburg” founded a year earlier already had 1,115 members. When in 1929 - after 1910 the second social democratic party congress took place in Magdeburg, there were already around 10,000.

But Magdeburg was not alone. The good organization of the Social Democrats during the period of the Socialist Law from 1878 to 1890 was the main reason why the party decided to hold its first possible party congress in Halle in 1890 in Germany . Here the party received its name, which is still valid today, “ Social Democratic Party of Germany ”.

In the same year, the successful establishment of the SPD began in what was then the Duchy of Anhalt, associated with the names Heinrich Peus and Heinrich Deist , whose son of the same name later played a key role in the economic and political part of the Godesberg program . They founded party newspapers, organized a successful counter-economy in order to better provide for working-class families and to help solve the housing problem, and won seats in the Reichstag.

Weimar Republic and 1933–45

After the November Revolution in 1918 , the SPD became the dominant political force in the city of Dessau and in the Free State of Anhalt until 1932, with Heinrich Deist as Prime Minister and Heinrich Peus as Chairman of the City Council and President of the State Parliament. It is thanks to them and the liberal Lord Mayor Fritz Hesse that the Bauhaus came to Dessau and was able to achieve international recognition.

At the end of the Weimar Republic , it was the social democrat Gerhart Seger who represented the country in the Reichstag and who fought resolutely against National Socialism. He was arrested by the Nazis before the vote on the Enabling Act , but he managed to escape spectacularly from the Oranienburg concentration camp. His report on it became a worldwide accused of the Nazi regime and the basic idea for Anna Segher's novel "The Seventh Cross". The Reichstag deputy Franz Peters from Halle was one of the many victims of the National Socialists after his “No” to the so-called Enabling Act and died that same year. The long-time member of the Prussian state parliament from Halberstadt, Minna Bollmann , also fell victim to Nazi rule , as did the great educator Adolf Reichwein from Halle.

After 1945

After the forced unification of the SPD, which was re-established in 1945, with the KPD in April 1946, important social democrats who briefly held high positions in the hope of being able to help rebuild after the war were only able to flee to the Federal Republic at great risk and sometimes after years of imprisonment : the first SPD state chairman and minister Ernst Thape , the trade unionist and state parliament president Adam Wolfram - after 1990 construction assistant and honorary chairman of the state party council - and the law professor and ministerial director Willi Brundert , later mayor of Frankfurt.


After the autumn revolution in 1989, the rebuilding began "out of nowhere". In more than a hundred places at the same time, the new Social Democrats responded to the call to found a party, which was largely initiated by Markus Meckel , then pastor in what is now Saxony-Anhalt. The two district associations Halle and Magdeburg were founded, which merged in August 1990 in Quedlinburg to form the state association Saxony-Anhalt. The top candidate for the first democratic state election was Reinhard Höppner , who had made a name for himself throughout Germany as Vice President of the first freely elected People's Chamber - in it 15 members from what is now Saxony-Anhalt.

In the same year Wilhelm Polte became mayor of the city of Magdeburg and thus continued the important tradition of Hermann Beims and Ernst Reuter from the 20s and 30s. Ten years later, the social democrat Ingrid Häußler was the first woman in the 1200-year history of the city of Halle to become its mayor.

Several SPD houses in Saxony-Anhalt now bear the names of Social Democrats: the Ernst Reuter House in Magdeburg, the Adolf Reichwein House in Halle, the Heinrich Peus House in Köthen and the one named after Marie Arning - Reichstag member and AWO - Chairman - called AWO house in Magdeburg.

Reinhard Höppner (2008)

After reunification, the SPD was the leading ruling party under Prime Minister Reinhard Höppner in legislative periods 2 and 3 . From 1994 to 1998 it formed a red-green minority government that was tolerated by the PDS . From 1998 to 2002 Höppner led an SPD minority government without the participation of the Greens, which was still tolerated by the PDS. This form of government practiced for eight years went down in history as the “ Magdeburg Model ”. After four years in the opposition, from 2006 the party was a junior partner in a black-red coalition under the CDU Prime Minister Wolfgang Böhmer (2006-2011, 5th electoral term ) and Reiner Haseloff (2011-2016, 6th electoral term ). Since 2016 she has been involved in a black-red-green coalition under Prime Minister Haseloff ( 7th electoral term ). Deputy Prime Minister from 2006 to 2016 was Jens Bullerjahn , who stood as the top candidate of his party in the state elections in 2006 and 2011 . After the state elections in 2016 , Petra Grimm-Benne became Deputy Prime Minister.

In the state election in 2021 , the party lost 2.2 percentage points compared to the previous state election and won nine seats with 8.4%.


The governing body of the state party is the state board, which is re-elected every two years at the state party congress. The current state executive was elected in September 2015 at the party conference in Magdeburg. It consists of a total of 17 people: the state chairman, her three deputies, the treasurer and twelve assessors.

Results in the state elections


State chairman

Years Chairman
1990-2002 Rüdiger Fikentscher
2002-2004 Manfred Püchel
2004-2009 Holger Hövelmann
2009-2016 Katrin Budde
2016-2020 Burkhard Lischka
since 2020 Juliane Kleemann and Andreas Schmidt

Top candidates

choice Top candidate
1990 Reinhard Höppner
1994 Reinhard Höppner
1998 Reinhard Höppner
2002 Reinhard Höppner
2006 Jens Bullerjahn
2011 Jens Bullerjahn
2016 Katrin Budde
2021 Katja Pehle

Minister in the state government

Surname Offices
Petra Grimm-Benne Work, social affairs and integration; Deputy Prime Minister
Armin Willingmann Economy, science and digitization

see Cabinet Haseloff II

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Hagen Eichler: Struggle for members: only three state parties are growing. January 13, 2021, accessed on February 9, 2021 (German).
  2. ↑ Runoff election decided: Andreas Schmidt and Juliane Kleemann are to become state chairmen of the SPD spd-sachsen-anhalt.de, January 17, 2020
  3. a b c d 140 years of the SPD - Historical traces in Saxony-Anhalt . (PDF) spd-sachsen-anhalt.de