Tianjin Economic and Technological Development Area

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Banks in Binhai

The Tianjin Economic and Technological Development Area (TEDA) ( Chinese  天津 經濟 技術 開發區  /  天津 经济 技术 开发区 , Pinyin Tiānjīn Jīngjì Jìshù Kāifāqū ) is one of now 219 (as of the end of 2018) National Economic Development Zones (国家级 经济 技术 开发区) China . Its center is in what is now the Binhai district of the government- direct city ​​of Tianjin , with a port, an industrial park and a residential area. There are also branches in other Tianjin districts.


At a meeting of the presidium of the Tianjin branch of the CCP from June 21-30, 1984, discussions were held on how to open up Tianjin to foreign investors and establish an industrial park here. In July, a specific concept was drawn up on how the locational advantages of a port city could be used to create a modern industrial area by the end of the century. In November 1984, high-ranking members of the CCP Central Committee and the State Council of the People's Republic of China visited Tianjin to inspect the selected area, a former seawater saline in what was then Tanggu District . The choice of location was approved, and on December 6, 1984, the State Council issued a written statement approving the application for the establishment of a 33 km² economic development zone. Over 3,300 foreign companies have now settled in TEDA, including global companies such as Motorola , Nestlé , Volkswagen , Continental , Airbus , SEW-Eurodrive and Novo Nordisk .

Branch areas

In addition to the core area directly by the sea, which was built up from 1984, the Tianjin Economic Development Zone today comprises several branch areas distributed over the entire city area:

  • Western area

The earliest of the branch areas is the western area (西区) in the Dongli district, which is directly adjacent to the core area, also known as the "eastern area" (东区) , where, in addition to real estate and service companies, some industry has settled. In October 2007 the foundation stone was laid for the "Chinese production base for launch vehicles of the new generation" (中国 新一代 运载火箭 产业 化 基地), which consists of a rocket development and manufacturing area (火箭 研制 生产 区), an area for space technology and applications (航天 技术 应用 区) and an area for suppliers (辅助 配套 区). At the end of 2008, Changzheng Raketenbau GmbH, a subsidiary of the China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology , initially opened a workshop for final assembly and testing of the Changzheng 5 and Changzheng 7 heavy launch vehicles . In July 2009, CALT founded another subsidiary there, Relia GmbH, which manufactures equipment for test laboratories. Ruitech GmbH followed in January 2011, also a subsidiary of CALT, which manufactures composite materials there. In 2012, the Chinese Academy for Space Technology built a center there for final assembly, integration of system components and verification of the functionality of oversized spacecraft . In the same year, the research institute 518, now renamed the “Research Institute for Electromechanical Space Equipment Tianjin”, was relocated from CAST from Taigu , Shanxi Province , to Tianjin, where together with the AIT center it forms the “development and production base for oversized spacecraft” Space Technology Academy.

  • Hangu modern industrial area

A modern industrial area (, 现代 产业 区) was opened in 1996 in the former urban district of Hangu , which bordered Tanggu to the north, on a 15 km² area, where mainly high-tech companies but also publishers were located.

  • Microelectronics area

On May 24, 1996 , a small, only 2.32 km² industrial area for companies in the IT sector , the so-called microelectronics area (微电子 工业 区) , was opened in Xiqing , west of the core area . This is one of the closest commercial areas to downtown Tianjin, at the time the most densely populated and - thanks to the generous tax discounts for companies in the manufacturing sector - offering the best return on investment for IT companies in northern China.

  • Yixian Science and Industrial Park

The Yixian Science and Industrial Park (逸仙 科学 工业 园) in the western district of Wuqing (until 2000 district ) was originally founded in 1993 by the Tianjin city government as an independent industrial park for high-tech companies in the electronics and mechanical engineering sectors. In 1996 it was merged with the Tianjin Economic Development Zone and is now jointly supervised and expanded by the TEDA Administrative Commission (天津 经济 技术 开发区 管委会) and the Wuqing District Government.

  • Südhafen industrial area

In 2009 the industrial area Südhafen (南港 工业 区) was founded in the former district of Dagang , which bordered Tanggu to the south. A port for ships up to 50,000 gross tons was built on 162 km² of land and 38 km² of water and put into operation in August 2011. In 2014–2018, the port was expanded by dredging the fairways and enlarging the quays for ships up to 100,000 GRT. Heavy industry and the chemical industry, for example, Sinopec and a joint venture between its competitor PetroChina and the Russian Rosneft are located there .

  • Central area

In May 2009, the city of Tianjin began planning a further industrial area, in which light and textile industries working primarily with petrochemical products such as synthetic resin, synthetic fibers and synthetic rubber were to be located. In February 2010, construction work began on a 78 km² area in Binhai, of which 42 km² industrial area and 36 km² residential area. Two years later, the first companies settled in what was initially known as the "Economic Zone for Light and Textile Industry" (轻纺 经济 区). In 2014, the zone was integrated into TEDA as a “central area” (中 区), now with a special focus on companies from the energy saving and environmental protection sector, renewable energies, composite materials , electronics and information technology.

  • Beitang headquarters park

Also in 2009, a site was developed on a total area of ​​30 km² with the center southeast of the Beitang reservoir in Binhai, on which large companies could set up their company headquarters. This area, initially known as the "Beitang Economic Zone" (北塘 经济 区), was joined in January 2014 together with the TEDA economic zone for the light and textile industry and now operates as the Beitang corporate headquarters park (北塘 企业 总部 园区). In addition to the administration buildings of large corporations, there are also real estate companies, publishers, a golf course and a residential area.

Transport links

TEDA is tightly integrated into the Tianjin transport network. Two highways and a railway line connect TEDA with the center of Tianjin.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. 朱英: 2018 年 国家级 经济 技术 开发区 综合 发展 水平 考核 评价 结果. In: gov.cn. December 31, 2018, accessed August 3, 2019 (Chinese).
  2. 李勇 et al . :天津经济 技术 开发区 简 志.方志 出版社, 北京 2005.
  3. 孙天仕: 天津 航天 长征 火箭 制造 有限公司. In: job.nuaa.edu.cn. Retrieved August 3, 2019 (Chinese).
  4. 天津 航天 瑞莱 科技 有限公司. In: m.calt.com. Retrieved December 25, 2019 (Chinese).
  5. 航天 长征 睿 特 科技 有限公司. In: m.calt.com. Retrieved December 25, 2019 (Chinese).
  6. 田 齐: “中国 近代 工业 摇篮” 天津 : 航天 产业 链 初步 建立. In: teda.gov.cn. February 18, 2017, Retrieved December 25, 2019 (Chinese).
  7. 天津 航天 机电 设备 研究所. In: cast.cn. April 21, 2016, Retrieved December 25, 2019 (Chinese).
  8. 园区 介绍. In: chinaparkm.com. Retrieved August 4, 2019 (Chinese).
  9. 园区 介绍. In: chinaparkm.com. Retrieved August 4, 2019 (Chinese).
  10. 园区 介绍. In: tedaysp.com.cn. Retrieved August 3, 2019 (Chinese).
  11. 田 齐: 天津 建设 第二 港口 吞吐量 两 亿吨. In: finance.ifeng.com. February 28, 2010, Retrieved August 3, 2019 (Chinese).
  12. 天津 南港 工业 区 打造 世界 级 重 化工 基地. In: nea.gov.cn. May 30, 2012, Retrieved August 3, 2019 (Chinese).
  13. 中俄 天津 炼油厂 项目 列入 日程. In: chemchina.com.cn. October 24, 2014, accessed August 3, 2019 (Chinese).
  14. 天津 轻纺 经济 区 介绍. In: tnc.com.cn. May 15, 2012, Retrieved August 4, 2019 (Chinese).
  15. 纳入 北塘 轻纺 两 经济 区 “而立” 开发区 扩容 求变. In: innovateda.org. January 17, 2014, accessed August 4, 2019 (Chinese).
  16. 园区 介绍. In: chinaparkm.com. Retrieved August 4, 2019 (Chinese).

Coordinates: 39 ° 2 ′ 11.5 ″  N , 117 ° 42 ′ 1.8 ″  E