Tim Dudek

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Tim Dudek (born November 10, 1980 in Göttingen ) is a German jazz musician ( drums , percussion , other instruments, composition ) and music producer .

Live and act

Dudek received piano lessons from the age of eight; Since he was ten years old he learned to play the drums; as a teenager he also played bass and guitar. He studied jazz drums and percussion at the Conservatorium van Amsterdam in order to specialize in Brazilian music during his master's degree. With a scholarship he went on a study trip to Rio de Janeiro in 2007, where he was tutored by Marcio Bahia, Maninho, Kiko Freitas and Robertinho Silva .

During his studies, Dudek accompanied singers such as B. Wouter Hamel , Postman , Benny Sings, Giovanca, Faberyayo, Berget Lewis and Pete Philly and toured Europe with Frank McComb and N'Dambi . As a percussionist he played in the Bujazzo under the direction of Peter Herbolzheimer .

After moving to Cologne, he studied music production with Jono Podmore at the Cologne University of Music . Since then he has also worked as a composer and producer, producing a. a. two albums by singer Hannah Köpf , on which he also played synthesizer , Hammond organ , bass and guitar. Together with Markus Braun , he wrote and produced music for documentaries such as “Wir rocken Barcelona” (2013) or “Held ohne Geld” (2015). In 2015 he was part of the house band of the Belgian TV show "Jonas & Van Geel" under the direction of Alvin Lewis, with whom he also accompanied Koen Wauters ( Clouseau ), Bart Peeters, Billie, Natalia and Emma Bale . He also worked with Hanno Busch , Patricia Kelly , Peter Fessler , Rebekka Ling, Sensuàl and Tom Gaebel . As a studio musician , he recorded numerous albums, some of them for artists on the Amsterdam label DOX Records .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Entry (Muziekencyclopedie)
  2. a b c portrait