Timothy Gallwey

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Timothy Gallwey (* 1938 in San Francisco ) is an American sports educator, best-selling author, speaker and business consultant in corporate human resources.


Gallwey was a talented tennis player even as a child. He completed the course of study for English Literature at Harvard University and also served as captain of the Harvard tennis team operates. He also served as an officer in the US Navy and was a co-founder of a liberal arts college in the American Midwest. His professional experience as a tennis teacher in Monterey, California, and in sports education prompted him to publish his first international bestseller, "The Inner Game of Tennis". Also in his later books, "The Inner Game of Music" and "The Inner Game of Golf" and "The Inner Game of Skiing", and as a business coach for numerous large corporations, he points to the paramount importance of the psyche for success in sport or in business.


His focus is on overcoming avoidable self- restrictions such as tension, self-doubt, self-criticism, fear of failure and inferiority complexes by focusing on technology, movement, body awareness and simple psychological tips. At the same time, he also makes it clear that the primary responsibility of teachers or parents and superiors is not to use counterproductive - especially intimidating - educational measures to set negative “marks” of this kind. In the past 20 years, Timothy Gallwey has introduced these mechanisms, which he called Inner Game , primarily through seminars, lectures and individual coaching at corporations such as AT&T , IBM , Arco , Apple Computer or Coca-Cola . Recently, he has focused on advising on cooperation within companies and work teams.

In his 1974 book The Inner Game of Tennis , Gallwey mentioned the kamikaze half volley return and prophesied that this stroke would revolutionize tennis. Roger Federer surprised Novak Đoković with this blow at the final game of the ATP tournament in Cincinnati 2015 and won the game.

Works (selection)

  • Inner Game Coaching: Why Experiences Are The Best Teacher . allesimfluss-Verlag, Staufen 2011, ISBN 978-3-9809167-4-5
  • Tennis - the inner game: through relaxed concentration to the best performance . Goldmann TB, Munich 2012, ISBN 978-3-442-21977-3
  • Inner Game Golf: The Idea of ​​Self-Coaching . allesimfluss-Verlag, Staufen 2011, ISBN 978-3-9809167-0-7

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. http://theinnergame.com/about-tim-gallwey/ About the discovery of the inner game
  2. Mikael Krogerus: The secret of his forehand. Das Magazin , Tamedia , Zurich September 5, 2015 (page 10)