Titular diocese of Minturnae

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Minturnae ( Italian : Minturno ) is a titular bishopric of the Roman Catholic Church .

It goes back to a bishopric in the ancient city of Minturnae , which was near the present-day city of Minturno in the Italian region of Lazio .

Titular Bishops of Minturnae
No. Surname Office from to
1 Joaquín García Ordóñez Coadjutor Bishop of Santa Rosa de Osos ( Colombia ) July 28, 1969 29th September 1971
2 Pier Giuliano Tiddia Auxiliary Bishop in Cagliari ( Italy ) December 24th 1974 November 30, 1985
3 Francesco Sgalambro Auxiliary Bishop in Messina (Italy) February 22, 1986 March 18, 2000
4th Bernardo Fabio D'Onorio OSB Abbot of Montecassino (Italy) April 13, 2004 September 20, 2007
5 Piergiuseppe Vacchelli
Titular Archbishop pro hac vice
Curia Archbishop May 24, 2008

See also

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