Tiziano Dorandi

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Tiziano Dorandi (born July 11, 1954 in Lamporecchio , Pistoia ) is an Italian Graecist and papyrologist .


Dorandi attended the Liceo classico of Pistoia from 1969 to 1973 and studied classical philology at the University of Florence from 1973 to 1977 , which he completed with a doctorate. The title of the dissertation was Filodemo, De bono rege secundum Homerum (PHerc. 1507) . From 1977 to 1980 he was a scholarship holder of the Centro Internazionale per lo Studio dei Papiri Ercolanesi in Naples, then for a year teacher of Latin and Greek in Naples, from 1981 to 1983 again a scholarship from the Centro Internazionale per lo Studio dei Papiri Ercolanesi, from 1983 to 1990 again teacher of Latin and Greek in Naples. From 1990 to 1992 he was an Alexander von Humboldt fellow with Rudolf Kassel , then again a teacher in Naples for a year until he was accepted into the French CNRS in 1994 . In 1997 he achieved his habilitation à diriger des recherches with the work Études sur la biographie hellénistique et sur Diogène Laërce . At the CNRS he was appointed Directeur de recherche de deuxième classe in 2002, and in 2011 as Directeur de recherche de première classe.

Research areas

Dorandi deals with chronological problems and the history of the Hellenistic schools of philosophy (the Academy , the Stoa and the Cepos ), with the problems of editing philosophical texts in the Greek language, especially Diogenes Laertios , and the papyri of Herculaneum , especially Philodemos of Gadara , as well as technical problems of papyrology .

In particular, he worked on the international project of an edition of the Fragments of Aristotle and the Peripatetics , as well as the work of the Corpus dei papiri filosofici . With his team he also published the book Ad Gaurum des Porphyrios and is now working on the edition of the book About the Nymphs Grotto by the same philosopher.

He is responsible for the Philosophical Philology project at the Center Jean Pépin . Methods and problems of the edition of philosophical texts , which is part of the major project Methodology of Edition Philology . Associated with this project are four edition projects: the edition of the fragments by the peripatetic Klearchos von Soloi , the edition of the divisions attributed to Aristotle , the edition of the ancient life of Aristotle and the edition of the remains of the Latin translation of the Suda by Robert Grosseteste .

Dorandi has received various awards for his work, including the Prix Raymond-Weil from the Association pour l'encouragement des études grecques en France in 2000 .

Fonts (selection)

Monographs and Editions
  • Diogenes Laertius, Lives of Eminent Philosophers . Edited with Introduction (= Cambridge Classical Texts and Commentaries 50). Cambridge UP, Cambridge 2013.
  • Laertiana. Capitoli sulla tradizione manoscritta e sulla storia del testo delle Vite dei filosofi di Diogene Laerzio . De Gruyter, Berlin and New York 2009.
  • Nell'officina dei classici. Come lavoravano gli autori antichi. Roma 2007.
  • Le stylet et la tablet. In the secret des auteurs antiques. Paris 2000.
  • Filodemo, Storia dei filosofi, la stoà da Zenone a Panezio: (PHerc. 1018) . Leiden, Brill 1994.
  • Ricerche sulla cronologia dei filosofi ellenistici . Teubner, Stuttgart 1991.
  • Filodemo, Il buon re secondo Omero. Ed., Trad. E comm. a cura di T. Dorandi. Naples 1982.
  • Biography and Autobiography in the Hellenistic period and the Roman Republic , in: K. De Temmerman (Ed.), Oxford Handbook of Ancient Biography . Oxford University Press, Oxford 2018.
  • Aristotle in the Biographical Tradition , in A. Falcon, Brill's Companion to the Reception of Aristotle in Antiquity . Brill, Leiden 2016.
  • Theodor Gomperz (1832–1912) , in: M. Capasso (ed.), Hermae. Scholars and Scholarship in Papyrology . Pisa 2007, pp. 29-43
  • Chronology and Organization and structure of the philosophical schools . In: Keimpe Algra u. a. (Ed.): The Cambridge History of Hellenistic Philosophy. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1999, ISBN 0-521-25028-5 , pp. 31-62
  • Transmission of texts in antiquity; Book industry. In: Heinz-Günther Nesselrath (Ed.): Introduction to Greek Philology. Teubner, Stuttgart 1997, ISBN 3-519-07435-4 , pp. 3-16.
  • La "Villa dei Papiri" a Ercolano e la sua biblioteca . In: Classical Philology 90, 1995, pp. 168-182.
  • Numerous contributions to the Dictionnaire des Philosophes Antiques published by Richard Goulet and to the journal for papyrology and epigraphy .

Web links