Tobias fish

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Tobias fish
Ammodytes tobianus (catch) .jpg

Tobias fish ( Ammodytes tobianus )

Spinefish (Acanthopterygii)
Perch relatives (Percomorphaceae)
Order : Celestial gazers (Uranoscopiformes)
Family : Sand eels (Ammodytidae)
Genre : Ammodytes
Type : Tobias fish
Scientific name
Ammodytes tobianus
Linnaeus , 1758

The tobias fish ( Ammodytes tobianus ) is an elongated marine fish and belongs to the sand eel family . Tobias fish occur from Murmansk to Spain, also in the Baltic Sea and on the south coast of Iceland.


The fish are about 20 centimeters long and have a greenish colored back and silvery shimmering sides. In contrast to the very similar small sand eel ( Ammodytes marinus ), the tail fin approach in the Tobias fish is scaled and the ventral scales, which are only irregularly arranged in the small sand eel, are arranged tightly in overlapping regular angles.

  • Fin formula: Dorsal: 49-58; Anal: 24-32

Way of life

Tobias fish live in shallow water near the coast and dig into sandbanks at low tide . They spend the winter in water depths of 20 to 50 meters, also buried in the sand. They live in large flocks and can live up to seven years. Tobias fish feed on zooplankton and larger diatoms .

Puffin with prey

Tobias fish serve as prey for many predators (eg. As sea trout , cod (in the Baltic Sea cod ) called eel and whiting ) in ecosystem North Sea and Baltic Sea . Even in the breeding season of the seabirds , the food consists largely of this small fish . Humans use the Tobias fish as bait in line fishing. It is also bycatch in the small sandeel fishery.

supporting documents

  1. ^ A b c d Bent J. Muus, Jørgen G. Nielsen: The marine fish of Europe. In the North Sea, the Baltic Sea and the Atlantic. Franckh-Kosmos Verlag, ISBN 3440078043 , page 216.
  2. a b c Tobias fish on (English)

Web links

Commons : Tobiasfisch  - Collection of images, videos and audio files