Sea trout

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Sea trout
Wst sea trout stoer 001.jpg

Sea trout ( Salmo trutta trutta )

Cohort : Euteleosteomorpha
Order : Salmonid fish (Salmoniformes)
Family : Salmon fish (Salmonidae)
Genre : Salmo
Type : Trout ( Salmo trutta )
Subspecies : Sea trout
Scientific name
Salmo trutta trutta
Linnaeus , 1758

The sea ​​trout ( Salmo trutta trutta ) is a salmon fish (Salmonidae) and is considered to be the ancestral form of the trout species ( Salmo trutta ). Other names are: Baltic salmon (promotional fantasy name), beach salmon, white trout, Trump, silver salmon, black salmon, Möllitz, Breden, Sülberlaß. In the past, the term salmon trout was also used for sea trout because of their way of life. Today, however, this term refers to a large farmed form of rainbow trout (see salmon trout ). Greenlanders refer to sea trout that are emerging for the first time to spawn, Smolt juveniles that are on their first journey into the sea, and Parr, the juvenile form with vertical stripes.

The average size is 60 cm, lengths up to 130 cm and weights up to 20 kg are possible under favorable living conditions.

A striking feature is the elongated torpedo-shaped body. The sides are gray-silver and the back gray-green. The belly is white. Like all trout species, the sea trout also has an adipose fin .

The sea trout feeds mainly on fish, small crabs and shrimp.

The sea trout occurs on the coasts of Europe from the North Sea to the Baltic Sea and Biscay. It is an anadromous migratory fish that is very similar to the Atlantic salmon in its way of life and behavior . In the sea it undertakes extensive hikes and also climbs up into small rivers to spawn. Spawning takes place in winter on gravelly ground in the barbel and grayling region . The eggs are laid in spawning pits. The fry remain in fresh water for 1 to 5 years and then migrate into the sea. The “internal clock” signals to the fish when they have to start their way back into the sea. On this hike you can cover distances of up to 40 km per day.

Fish that are ready to spawn during the ascent are usually emaciated and have to consume a lot of food in order to increase their vitality as quickly as possible. After the spawning process has ended, the fish return to the sea. There is no mass death after spawning, as is common with some salmon species. Back in the sea, the fish put on weight again and lose their brown spawning dress.

The sea trout was named Fish of the Year in Germany in 1996 .


The sea trout has become extinct in many rivers in Central Europe because power plants prevent their spawning migration. In addition, many spawning grounds have disappeared due to the backwater. More recently, it has been possible to make sea trout at home again in some waters by building fish ladders and bypasses around power stations. This enabled the spawning migration to be limited again.

Changes in climatic conditions, such as rising water temperatures, increase the activity of sea trout in the sea and in freshwater courses.


Sea trout are popular angling and food fish . According to official regulations, the closed season lasts at least three months. Like salmon, sea trout is protected by law all year round in the Rhine water system and in most German rivers (with the exception of some north German rivers).

The sea ​​trout is protected on the coastal waters of Schleswig-Holstein from October 1st to December 31st. This only applies to the fish in the “spawning dress” (colored brown), the “silver ones” may still be caught. At most estuaries, fishing is completely prohibited in a protected area 200 meters from the estuary during this time.

In the coastal waters of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania there is a general fishing ban for sea trout from September 15 to December 14. This applies to both fishermen and anglers.

"Relegated" is the anglic term for a sea trout after spawning. The removal of the “relegated” is controversial among anglers. Most anglers refuse to take spawned sea trout because their meat is poor and dry.


On December 4th, 2014, Deutsche Post AG issued a stamp with a sea trout motif worth 45 euro cents. The design comes from the designer Jens Müller from Düsseldorf .


The sea trout is part of the coat of arms of the municipality of Hitzhusen .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Overview "Fish of the Year" in Germany. German Fishing Association, accessed on February 26, 2018 .
  2. ^ Juris GmbH: Laws-Jurisprudence Schleswig-Holstein KüFO | State standard Schleswig-Holstein | Complete edition | State ordinance on the practice of fishing in coastal waters (Coastal Fisheries Ordinance - KüFO -) of November 11, 2008 | valid from: 01.01.2009 valid until: 31.12.2018. Retrieved April 15, 2018 .