Tom Rockmore

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Tom Rockmore (born March 4, 1942 in New York City ) is a philosopher who deals with political philosophy , German idealism and contemporary continental European philosophy .

academic career

In 1963 he received a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy from Carleton College . From 1972 to 1973 he was an exchange fellow at the Free University of Berlin and received his doctorate in 1974 from Vanderbilt University . From 1973 to 1980 he was Assistant Professor at Yale University , interrupted by stays as a Morse Fellow 1975/76 at the University of Heidelberg and Maître de conférences associé at the University of Nice 1978/79. Subsequently, Rockmore was 1980/81 Visiting Associate Professor at Vanderbilt University, 1981/82 Humboldt Research Fellow at the University of Tübingen and 1982–1985 Associate Professor at Fordham University . This was followed by stays at the Université Laval in Paris in 1985/86 and as a Senior Research Fellow at Wesleyan University in 1986/87 . From 1987 to 2007 he was a professor at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh. At the University of Poitiers he completed his habilitation in 1994 as head of research (“diriger des recherches”) and in the spring of 2004 was a Distinguished Professor at Temple University . Since 2007 he has been Distinguished Professor at McAnulty College at Duquesne University. In the spring of 2007 and 2008 he was visiting professor at Beijing University as a Fulbright scholar .

Rockmore is co-editor or reviewer of numerous philosophical journals and a member of numerous scientific societies. He speaks a number of languages, including English and French as mother tongues and German, Greek, Latin, as well as Russian and Chinese.


Rockmore works on all modern philosophy. In particular, he researches the epistemological legacy of German idealism and the relationship between philosophy and politics. Rockmore has dedicated itself to the philosophers of German idealism Immanuel Kant Johann Gottlieb Fichte and Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel , the work of Karl Marx and the philosophers of the 20th century Martin Heidegger , Jürgen Habermas and George Lukacs . Recently he has been working on a new theory that knowledge is fundamentally (“intrinsical”) historical.

In his book Marx after Marxism Rockmore advocates the theses of a failure of Marxism as a political alternative after the collapse of the Soviet power bloc in 1991 and, beginning with Friedrich Engels , a fundamental misunderstanding of Marx by the Marxists.



  • Fichte, Marx and German Philosophy , Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale 1980,
  • with T. Blakeley, J. Colbert and W. Gavin: Soviet Marxism and Alternatives , Reidel, Boston 1981
  • Hegel's Circular Epistemology , Indiana University Press, Bloomington 1986
  • Habermas on Historical Materialism , Bloomington and London: Indiana University Press, Bloomington and London 1989
  • Irrationalism. Lukács and the Marxist View of Reason , Temple University Press, Philadelphia 1992
  • Hegel. Avant et après , Éditions Criterion, Paris 1992
    • English edition: Before and After Hegel: A Historical Introduction Berkeley 1993 1 , with a new foreword: [...] A Historical Introduction to Hegel's Thought Hackett, Indianapolis 2003
    • Italian edition Rome 1996
    • Romanian edition Bucharest 1999
    • Chinese edition Beijing 2005
  • Hegel et la tradition philosophique allemande , Éditions Ousia, Brussels 1994
  • Heidegger and French Philosophy: Humanism, Anti-Humanism and Being , Routledge, London 1995
    • Heidegger and French philosophy , translated into German by Thomas Laugstien, Zu-Klampen-Verlag, Lüneburg 2000
    • Japanese edition Tokyo 2006
  • On Hegel's Epistemology and Contemporary Philosophy , Humanities Press International, Atlantic Highlands (New Jersey) 1996
  • Cognition: An Introduction to Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit , University of California Press, Berkeley 1997
  • On Heidegger's Nazism and Philosophy , University of California Press and Harvester Wheatsheaf, Berkeley 1992 1 , 2nd edition with a new foreword 1997
    • Japanese edition Hokkaido 1999
  • Marx After Marxism: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Karl Marx , Blackwells, Oxford 2002
    • Chinese edition Beijing 2008
  • On Foundationalism: A Strategy for Metaphysical Realism , Rowman and Littlefield, Lanham 2004
  • On Constructivist Epistemology , Rowman and Littlefield, Lanham 2005
  • Hegel, Idealism and Analytic Philosophy , Yale University Press, New Haven 2005
  • In Kant's Wake: Philosophy in the Twentieth Century , Blackwell Publishing Company, Oxford 2006
  • Kant and Idealism , Yale University Press, New Haven 2007


  • Lukács Today , with an introduction, Reidel, Boston and Dordrecht 1988
  • with Joseph Margolis : Victor Farias, Heidegger and Nazism , Temple University Press, Philadelphia and London 1989
  • with Joseph Margolis: The Heidegger Case: On Philosophy and Politics , Temple University Press, Philadelphia 1992
  • with Beth Singer : Antifoundationalism Old and New , Temple University Press, Philadelphia 1992
  • with Daniel Breazeale : New Perspectives on Fichte , Humanities Press, Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey 1996
  • Hegel's Lectures on the History of Philosophy , with an introduction, Humanities Press, Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey 1996
  • with Vladimir Zeman : Transcendental Philosophy and Everyday Life , with an introduction, Humanities Press, Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey 1997
  • En Hommage à Mikel Dufrenne , in: Bulletin de la Société Américaine de Philosophie de Langue Française Volume XI, No. 1, spring 1999
  • Metaphysics. Proceedings of the World Congress of Philosophy , Volume 2, Philosophy Documentation Center, Bowling Green 1999
  • Heidegger, German Idealism and Neo-Kantianism , Humanity Books, Amherst 2000
  • with Joseph Margolis: The Philosophy of Interpretation , in: Metaphilosophy , Volume 31, No. 1/2, January 2000
    • also as: Interpretation in Art, Literature and Science , Cambridge: Blackwell Publishers, Cambridge 2000
  • New Essays on Kant's Pre-Critical Writings , Humanity Books, 2001
  • with Daniel Breazeale: New Essays in Fichte's Foundation of the Entire Doctrine of Scientific Knowledge , Humanity Books, Amherst 2001
  • with Daniel Breazeale: New Essays on Fichte's Later Wissenschaftslehre , Northwestern University Press, Evanston 2002
  • with Joseph Margolis: Sept. 11, 2001 and Its Consequences , in: Metaphilosophy , Volume 35, No. 3, April 2004
  • with Joseph Margolis and Armen Marsobian: The Philosophical Challenges of September 11 , Blackwell, Oxford 2005
  • with Catalin Partenie: Heidegger and Plato: Toward Dialogue , Northwestern University Press, Evanston 2005
  • with Daniel Breazeale: Rights, Bodies and Recognition. New Essays on Fichte's Foundations of Natural Right , Ashgate, Hampshire 2006
  • with Joseph Margolis: History, Historicity and Science , Hampshire: Ashgate, Hampshire 2006
  • with Daniel Breazeale: After Jena: New Essays on the Later Fichte , Northwestern University Press, Evanston 2008
  • with Daniel Breazeale and Elizabeth Millan-Zaibert: Philosophy Today , Volume 52, Nos. 3–4, Fall-Winter 2008

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. David North : Hegel, Marx, Engels and the origins of Marxism , Review of Marx after Marxism ,, May 2, 2006