Tommaso Dolabella

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Tomasz Dolabella.PNG
Portrait of Stanisław Tęczyński
“Battle of Lepanto”, fragment
"Christ with Mary and Martha"

Tommaso Dolabella (* around 1570 in Belluno , † 17th January 1650 in Krakow ) was an Italian painter of the Baroque period , active in Poland .

Dolabella was a student of the Venice-based painter of Greek descent Antonio Vassilacchi and was involved in the decoration of the Doge's Palace in Venice. He came to Poland around 1600 and became court painter to the Polish kings Sigismund III. Wasa , Władysław IV. Wasa and Johann II. Casimir Wasa.

He created pictures of religious content on the order of the Kraków monasteries and the Wawel Cathedral. He also painted numerous portraits. His historical and allegorical pictures intended for the Wawel Castle have been lost. The painting “Battle of Lepanto” survived in the Dominican Church in Poznan, as did pictures in Krakow churches.

Dolabella brought the late Venetian Renaissance style of Paolo Veronese and Jacopo Tintoretto to Poland. He had a significant influence on Polish painting. Tempera painting on wood, which was common up until then , was replaced by oil painting on linen.


  • Władysław Tomkiewicz, "Dolabella", Wydawnictwo Arkady, Warszawa 1959

Web links

Commons : Tommaso Dolabella  - collection of images, videos and audio files