Toni Beck

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Toni Beck (born November 26, 1924 in Mittergolding , today Tiefenbach (near Landshut) , † February 9, 2003 in Bad Aibling ) was a German farmer and politician ( CSU ).

Beck attended elementary school , then did an apprenticeship as a farmer and went to a vocational school. After an internship, he was in the military and was captured by the Americans. After his release, he attended an agricultural college, became a self-employed farmer and trainer in 1956 and took over his parents' business in Mittergolding in 1959. At the BBV , he was first chairman of the rural youth in the Niederbayern district association in 1952 , then state chairman of the Bavarian young farmers' union in 1956, deputy district chairman in 1957, vice-president from 1962 to 1969 and then president of the Niederbayern district association until 1992 and then honorary president. He was also a member of the Presidium and was Vice President of the BBV from 1977 to 1992.

Beck was elected to the Landshut district council in 1952 . After he became deputy district administrator in 1960, he was district administrator of the Landshut district from 1964 to 1972. At the Bavarian District Association he was a member of the main committee and the board of directors, and at the Niederbayern branch association he was (deputy) chairman. From 1966 to 1994 he was a member of the district assembly of Lower Bavaria. From 1972 to 1994 he was a member of the Bavarian Senate .


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