Tribe circiter

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Tribus circiter is an encyclical from Pope Pius X. dated April 5, 1906. In the encyclical the Pope deals with the repeal of the Order of Mariavites in Poland .


In 1887 the nun Feliksa Kozłowska founded a congregation based on the Rule of St. Clare of Assisi . The congregation later became known as the Order of the Mariavites ( Mariae vitam imitantes "the life of Mary imitating"). In December 1904 Pope Pius X lifted the Order of the Mariavites . The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith had previously assessed Sr. Feliksa's private revelations as hallucinatory.


Pope Pius X turns to the Polish episcopate and states that he had been informed about three years earlier that in Polish dioceses younger clergymen had come together without apostolic permission to form a kind of community known as Mariavites or "mystical priests" is known. In doing so, they followed a certain woman (the Pope does not name Feliksa Kozłowska) and did not hesitate to obey her. Priests had signed a petition in which it was stated that this woman was raised by God almost to the status of saint, she was the Mother of Grace of all humanity and was chosen by God for redemption in these days. The Mariavites are determined by God to proclaim to the world devotion to the Most Holy Sacrament and the Blessed Virgin Mary, free from any hindrance by ecclesiastical or secular law or custom or by ecclesiastical or secular power. The Pope sharply condemns such thoughts and actions in tribe circuiter .

Decree and Exhortation

As the Pope writes, the community did not react to the decree of September 4, 1904, in which the priests were ordered to distance themselves from Feliksa Kozłowska. Instead, some priests maintained relationships undiminished, thereby refusing their bishops owed obedience. Furthermore, delegated priests from this community had come to Rome to defend these heresies and to submit the petition to the Holy See . Pope Pius X. admits to the priests that they acted out of delusion rather than pride, but exhorts them not to succumb to false beliefs. At the same time, he encourages them to continue on the path that Christ has marked out with fidelity and devotion.

Demands to the Polish bishops

Now the Pope turns to the episcopate and informs them that the separation from the Mariavites, which he had announced in his letter of February 1, 1906, should now be carried out quickly and emphatically. However, upon a humble return and confession , these priests should be taken back into the bosom of the Church. He points to a letter from his predecessor Leo XIII. by referring to the authority of the bishops and calling the priests to be obedient to them. The Pope once again mentions priest Jan Maria Michał Kowalski , the founder of the association, whose speech the Pope describes as “foolish” and who incites disobedience to others. In the following the Pope declares the Order of the Mariavites to be repealed.


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