Trothaer hawkweed

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Trothaer hawkweed
Order : Astern-like (Asterales)
Family : Daisy family (Asteraceae)
Subfamily : Cichorioideae
Genre : Hawkweed ( Hieracium )
Type : Norwegian hawkweed ( Hieracium norvegicum )
Subspecies : Trothaer hawkweed
Scientific name
Hieracium norvegicum subsp. trothanum

The Trotha hawkweed ( Hieracium norvegicum subsp. Trothanum ) is a subspecies of the Norwegian hawkweed and belongs to the genus of the hawkweed .


The first description was made by the Karlsruhe biologist and hawkweed specialist Karl Hermann Zahn . He was presented with plants that the botanist August Albert Heinrich Schulz (1862–1922) had collected in 1895 at the "Porphyry Rock near Trotha ".


The Trotha hawkweed is a rhizome shrub . The perennial plant reaches a stature height between 10 and 40 cm. The leafless stems can have one or more heads and are covered with tiny hairs. There are about 40 to 50 yellow ray-florets in the flower heads . The fruit stands are covered with white achenes . The inflorescence and fruit cluster are reminiscent of the “dog flower” ( dandelion ).

The flowering period is from June to September.

Spreading and multiplication

The plant occurs exclusively in Trotha, a district in the north of Halle (Saale) . The Trotha hawkweed is thus a so-called endemic .

The reproduction takes place asexually , i.e. without fertilization. Due to the lack of gene exchange, daughter and parent plants are genetically identical.

Protection program

Since the locations in the distribution area are easily accessible, the population has been declining for years. In order to prevent the rare plant from becoming extinct, individual specimens were removed by employees of the University of Halle and cultivated in the city's botanical garden .


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