Tupoka Ogette

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Tupoka Ogette (* 1980 in Leipzig ) is a German anti-racism and diversity trainer and author. She works in educational work that is critical of racism.


Tupoka Ogette was born in Leipzig in 1980 as the daughter of a Tanzanian student of agriculture and a German math student. She lived in Leipzig until she was eight. In 1988, shortly before the fall of the Berlin Wall, she and her mother fled to West Berlin , where she lived until she graduated from high school. Her father had to leave Germany after graduating; he lives in Tanzania.

From 2001 to 2007 Ogette studied African studies with a focus on African politics and economics and German as a foreign language at the University of Leipzig . She wrote her master's thesis on the evaluation of development cooperation projects in Namibia and South Africa .

From 2006 to 2007 she was active as an intercultural mediator and campaign assistant in Tanzania. From 2007 to 2009 she completed her Master of International Business at the Graduate School of Business in Grenoble , France. From 2008 to 2012 she worked as a lecturer for the German Academic Exchange Service at the Université Stendhal in Grenoble. Lecturing is only set up at the request of a foreign university and in consultation with the Federal Foreign Office. There she taught German as a foreign language, business German, intercultural competence , intercultural management and project management . Furthermore, she organized conferences, workshops, meetings, student exchange programs and exhibitions in the context of intercultural university exchange between Germany and France. Ogette also works as a journalist and publishes, among others, in the magazine MiGAZIN .

She is married to the artist and sculptor Stephen Lawson. She lives with her family in Berlin .


Ogette has been a nationwide expert on diversity and anti-discrimination since 2012 . In this role, she leads workshops and training courses in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, acts as a speaker, advises individuals, teams and organizations and accompanies people on a journey critical of racism. She also carries out awareness raising on the topics of everyday racism , structural racism, anti-bias, intersectionality and empowerment .

In March 2017 her handbook exit Racism was published. Learn to think critically against racism . The book deals with racism , its history and effects and sees itself as a readable workshop to learn how to think and act critical of racism. The book published by Unrast Verlag received positive reviews, was already in its 5th edition in 2019 and had a decisive influence on the educational work that is critical of racism. In the course of the anti-racism protests after the killing of the black American George Floyd by the police, the book is recommended as an introductory work on dealing with racism for those not affected, so that the 7th edition appeared in June 2020. The book was also published as a digital audio book in April 2020.

On the album Platz an der Sonne by the hip-hop combo BSMG ( Megaloh , Ghanaian Stallion and Musa ) there is an excerpt from an interview by Tupoka Ogette.

Since 2019 she has also been running the podcast TuPodcast - Conversations among Sisters, in which she speaks to black women about various socio-political topics.


In 2019 she was named one of the 25 most influential women of the year by Edition F magazine . The jury emphasized that Ogette “has already reached around 10,000 people in over 500 workshops, consultations, conferences and lectures.” Spiegel Online included Ogette as one of ten women in the educational canon on theory and politics .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Daniel Schulz: "I was never the people" . In: The daily newspaper: taz . November 2, 2019 ( taz.de [accessed January 27, 2020]).
  2. Tupoka Ogette in MiGAZIN , accessed April 10, 2018.
  3. UNRAST Verlag | exit RACISM. Retrieved March 17, 2020 .
  4. Selina Staniczek: Happyland's End. (PDF) In: concrete . September 20, 2017. Retrieved April 10, 2018 .
  5. Reinhild Khan: exit RACISM. In: ekz.bibliotheksservice . June 12, 2017. Retrieved April 10, 2018 .
  6. Claudia Schneider: exit RACISM. Learn to think critically against racism. (PDF) In: EfEU. March 2018, accessed April 10, 2018 .
  7. Bayerischer Rundfunk Malcolm Ohanwe: "Exit Racism" by Tupoka Ogette: You should know this anti-racism expert . October 17, 2019 ( br.de [accessed January 27, 2020]).
  8. Aminata Touré: "In Profile" in the Ostholsteiner Anzeiger. September 18, 2019, accessed January 27, 2020 .
  9. Malcolm Ohanwe, Kofi Shakur, Aylin Karabulut, Susan Barth bento: Three books against racism that you should read. Retrieved June 8, 2020 .
  10. Just get out! Retrieved June 8, 2020 .
  11. Anti-Racism Trainer Tupoka Ogette - How We Can Talk to Our Children About George Floyd. Accessed June 8, 2020 (German).
  12. Andreas Austilat, Julia Weiss, Kevin P. Hoffmann, Annette Kögel, Angie Pohlers, Leonard Brandbeck: "I cannot move freely here". In: Tagesspiegel. Retrieved June 8, 2020 .
  13. Alexander Moritz: Sociologist on the German debate on racism - "I'm tired of the constant excuses". In: Deutschlandfunk Kultur. Deutschlandfunk, accessed on June 8, 2020 (German).
  14. Elisa Eberle: "We are all subject to certain racisms". In: weser-kurier.de. Retrieved June 8, 2020 .
  15. Press release on the 7th edition of exit RACISM. UNRAST Verlag, accessed on June 8, 2020 .
  16. EXIT RACISM. Retrieved July 4, 2020 .
  17. Tupoka Ogette: Tupodcast. Retrieved January 27, 2020 .
  18. Tupoka Ogette: tupodcast. Retrieved March 17, 2020 .
  19. Editor Edition F: The 25 women who move our society with their voices. In: EDITION F. May 16, 2019, accessed on January 27, 2020 .
  20. Sibylle Berg: Education canon: Which women you have to know today. Der Spiegel, accessed January 27, 2020 .