Ulrich Kulisch

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Ulrich W. Kulisch (* 1933 in Breslau ) is a German mathematician who deals with numerical mathematics , mainly with interval arithmetic including its implementation in computers.


Kulisch studied mathematics and physics at the Technical University of Munich and the University of Munich . In 1961 he received his doctorate under Josef Heinhold ( treatment of differential equations in complexes on the electronic analog computer ). After his habilitation in 1963 he was a deputy professor at the University of Munich from 1964 to 1966 and from 1966 professor and director of the Institute for Applied Mathematics at the University of Karlsruhe . In 1999 he retired. In the beginning he was also head of the data center in Karlsruhe and was entrusted with setting up the IT department.

In 1969/70 he was at the Mathematical Research Center of the University of Wisconsin – Madison with Louis. B. Rall and Ramon E. Moore , 1972/73 and 1978/79 at the IBM Research Center in Yorktown Heights (where he worked with Willard L. Miranker (1932-2011)) and in 1998 and 1999/2000 at the Electrotechnical Laboratory of MITI in Tsukuba in Japan.


Kulisch was one of the pioneers of interval arithmetic in Germany as early as the 1960s and was a school leader. His implementations of interval arithmetic in computers began in the 1960s on the basis of ALGOL . Kulisch developed programming languages ​​and software with automatic result verification, among others with Nixdorf in Paderborn (Pascal-XSC and others), IBM (Acrith and Acrith-XSC projects) and Siemens (Arithmos program package). In the 1990s he developed the programming language C-XSC and associated problem-solving routines with automatic result verification. A vector arithmetic coprocessor XPA 3233 for the PC was developed and built with partners from Stuttgart ( Bernd Höfflinger , Professor at the Institute for Microelectronics) and Hamburg ( Thomas Teufel , Professor at the TU Hamburg-Harburg). It always calculates scalar products of floating point vectors exactly.

In 1968, Kulisch was a founding member of the Society for Computer Science. For many years he was chairman of the Technical Committee of Computer Arithmetic and Scientific Computing of the Society for Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM) and of the Technical Committee Enhanced Computer Arithmetic of the International Association for Mathematics and Computers in Simulation (IMACS). Since 1979 he is a member of the IFIP Working Group 2.5 on Numerical Software of the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP). He works on the IEEE standard committee P1788 for interval arithmetic.

From 1968 to 1999 he was editor of the computer science textbook series of the Bibliographisches Institut, Mannheim and from 1975 to 1998 he was editor of the yearbook overviews of mathematics (BI).

45 pupils did their doctorate under Ulrich Kulisch, including Götz Alefeld . 15 former employees are now professors themselves.


  • with J. Heinhold: analog computing, an introduction, series computer science, BI 1968.
  • Basics of Numerical Computing - Mathematical Justification of Computer Arithmetic, Series Informatik 19, BI 1976.
  • Basics of interval calculation, yearbook overviews of mathematics, volume 2, BI, Mannheim 1969.
  • with WL Miranker: Computer Arithmetic in Theory and Practice, Academic Press 1981.
  • with WL Miranker (Editor): A New Approach to Scientific Computation, Academic Press, New York, 1983.
  • with WL Miranker: The arithmetic of the digital computer: a new approach, SIAM Rev. 28 (1986) 1-40.
  • with HJ Stetter (editor), Scientific Computation with Automatic Result Verification, Computing Supplementum, Volume 6, Springer, Vienna, 1988.
  • Editor: Scientific Computing with Result Verification, Vieweg 1989.
  • with R. Klatte, M. Neaga, D. Ratz, Ch. Ullrich: Pascal XSC- language description with examples, Springer 1991 (English edition Springer 1992, Russian edition 1997, 2nd edition 2000).
  • with R. Klatte, A. Wiethoff, C. Lawo, M. Rauch: C-XSC, A C ++ Class Library for Extended Scientific Computation, Springer-Verlag 1992.
  • with R. Hammer, M. Hocks, D. Ratz: C ++ Toolbox for Verified Computing, Springer 1995 (Russian edition 2005).
  • Computer, arithmetic and numerics - a memorandum, overviews of mathematics, Vieweg 1998.
  • Advanced Arithmetic for the Digital Computer - Design of Arithmetic Units, Springer-Verlag 2002.
  • Computer Arithmetic and Validity - Theory, Implementation, and Applications, de Gruyter 2008, 2nd edition 2013.
  • An Axiomatic Approach to Computer Arithmetic with an Appendix on Interval Hardware, Springer LNCS 7204, pp. 484 - 495, 2012.
  • Up-to-date Interval Arithmetic: From Closed and Bounded Intervals to Connected Sets of Real Numbers, Springer LNCS 9574, pp. 413-434, 2016.
  • with G. Bohlender: High Speed ​​Associative Accumulation of Floating-point Numbers and Floating-point Intervals, Reliable Computing, pp. 141-153, 2016. 

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Ulrich Kulisch in the Mathematics Genealogy Project (English)Template: MathGenealogyProject / Maintenance / id used