Ulrich von Schwerin

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Seal of Ulrich von Schwerin 1574

Ulrich von Schwerin , also Huldrich von Schwerin or Huldricus Schwerinus (* around 1500, † around 1575) was Grand Court Master in the Duchy of Pomerania- Wolgast and one of the most influential men of his time there. He came from the Mecklenburg family of Schwerin .


Spantekow - Ulrich von Schwerin and wife
Gatehouse of the fortress Spantekow

The son of Joachim von Schwerin († before 1521) from the Putzar line on Altwigshagen and Ottilie von Bredow was councilor and later court marshal to Philip I of Pomerania-Wolgast as early as 1534 . When in 1547 Pomerania had to fear that it would be affected by retaliatory measures by Emperor Charles V for participating in the Schmalkaldic League , Ulrich was entrusted with the management of military affairs. After the death of Philip I in February 1560, he was appointed by Barnim IX (XI) of Pomerania-Stettin to chair the Regency Council for the duke's five underage sons. From 1560 he was a member of a committee to establish a new Pomeranian church order.

Even under Duke Johann Friedrich , as Grand Chamberlain, he was largely concerned with the management of internal and external affairs in Pomerania. During the Seven Years Northern War from 1563 to 1570 he tried to preserve the neutrality of Pomerania and to keep armed conflict away from the country.

After Duke Barnim IX (XI) withdrew from the government of Pomerania in 1568, he coordinated the settlement of the inheritance at Jasenitz between the five sons of Philip I , which was decided on February 3, 1569 .

Ulrich von Schwerin owned extensive real estate and was so wealthy that he could grant loans to the dukes of Pomerania and Mecklenburg. Around 1545 he built a castle in Putzar . Between 1558 and 1567 he had the Spantekow fortress built, on the gatehouse of which there is a high relief depicting Ulrich and his wife.


With his wife Anna von Arnim (∞ before 1530) he had seven sons. His son Ulrich had the Veste Landskron built from 1576 to 1579 .


  • Gottfried von BülowSchwerin, Ulrich v. In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 33, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1891, p. 426 f.
  • Hans Branig : History of Pomerania I - From the becoming of the modern state to the loss of state independence 1300–1648 . Böhlau Verlag, Cologne Weimar Berlin 1997, ISBN 3-412-07189-7
  • Lutz Mohr : Stolpe monastery ruins and Spantekow castle in the vicinity of Anklam. Two striking historical sites from medieval Pomerania. In: Bull and Griffin. Sheets on the cultural and regional history in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. Vol. 17, Schwerin 2007, pp. 46-65.


  1. ^ Putzar castle ruins near Landgraben Peenetal
  2. History of the ruins of Veste Lanzkron