Undercover: Operation Winter Sun.

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Undercover: Operation Winter Sun is a 2006 point-and-click adventure by Sproing Interactive Media and published by the Dtp entertainment label Anaconda. It takes place during the Second World War .


London in January 1943. A world war is raging in Europe and a turning point in the fight against Hitler's armies is just about to take place .

The renowned British scientist and physicist John Russell is asked for an interview by his confidante Colonel Travers, the head of the British secret service . He asks him to check confidential documents for their truthfulness and authenticity. Russell confirms the authenticity of the papers and Travers explains their reasoning: These are secret documents that indicate that the Germans are working on the construction of an atomic bomb . The documents were secretly smuggled into Great Britain from Nazi Germany . Travers feels forced to act due to the explosive information and recruits Russell for a secret operation, as he has knowledge of the technology of the project and speaks fluent German. Russell he sets off for Germany at Travers's behest, together with MI6 agent Peter Graham.

In Berlin they infiltrate a scientific institute and the war ministry and discover evidence of a secret research facility in the village of Haigerloch near Stuttgart . The duo is supported by the attractive spy Anne Taylor, who helps break into the building and who also stole the original documents from Germany and brought them to the secret service. After the trio escaped a trap of the opaque officer Admiral von Pressnitz, Russel makes his way to southern Germany alone.

Once in Haigerloch, events roll over: the facility is abandoned and all the scientists have been killed. In addition, one of Russell's companions who followed him turns out to be a traitor. Von Pressnitz finally revealed himself to be the mastermind behind the operation. He built the bomb and then had it stolen. With her he wants to help the German army and Nazi Germany to victory in a covert solo operation.

Game principle and technology

Undercover is a so-called 2.5D point-and-click adventure. For polygons composite, three-dimensional figures act against pre-rendered scenes. The player can use the mouse to move his character through the locations and use the mouse buttons to initiate actions that allow the character to interact with his environment. Zellner can find objects, apply them to the environment or other objects and communicate with NPCs . As the story progresses, more locations will be unlocked. The camera shows what is happening from a fixed perspective; If the player leaves the field of vision within a room, the camera switches to another position. Dialogues run in a multiple-choice procedure, i. H. the player can choose from given dialogue options when talking to an NPC.

Production notes

The main character John Russell is voiced by Thomas Karallus , the German dubbing voice of actor Kevin James ( King of Queens ). In 2007 another game about the physicist John Russell was released. The Undercover: Double Game , released exclusively for Nintendo DS , is about Russell's adventures from 1939. This means that his story begins before Operation: Winter Sun and thus represents a prequel .


publication Rating
Adventure meeting 83%
Eurogamer 6/10
Metacritic 57

From 15 aggregated ratings, Undercover achieved a score of 57 on Metacritic .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Adventure-Treff.de: Undercover: Operation Winter Sun. Retrieved August 14, 2018 .
  2. Eurogamer.de: Undercover: Operation Winter Sun. Retrieved August 14, 2018 .
  3. a b Metacritic.com: Undercover: Operation WIntersun. Retrieved January 15, 2017 .