Hungarian-Croatian equalization

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The Hungarian-Croatian Compromise ( Croatian Hrvatsko-Ugarska nagodba , Hungarian horvát-magyar kiegyezés ) in 1868 regulated the autonomy of the Kingdom of Croatia and Slavonia within the Hungarian part of the Austro-Hungarian dual monarchy . It came about as a result of the Austro-Hungarian Compromise that was concluded in 1867 .

Depiction of the connection between Hungary and Croatia under the Hungarian
crown of St. Stephen ( Julije Huhn , around 1860)


This was preceded in the revolutionary year of 1848 by the termination of relations with the Kingdom of Hungary by the Croatian Ban Joseph Jelačić von Bužim , who fought on the side of the Austrian emperor against the Hungarian rebels. Jelačić had ordered that all Croatian institutions should no longer obey instructions from the Hungarian government. After the end of the revolution in 1849, Croatian autonomy was restricted again in the following years, the state parliament was closed and Croatia-Slavonia was directly subordinated to Vienna. The constitutional position of the country within the Danube Monarchy remained unclear. Beginning with the October diploma of 1860, years of negotiations followed between the emperor, representatives of Hungary and the Croatian state parliament on the autonomy of Croatia-Slavonia. Most Croatian politicians wanted to prevent a renewed subordination to Hungary and have their country recognized as an independent part of the monarchy.

After a visit by Emperor Franz Joseph to Pest in 1865, the relationship between Hungary and the Vienna headquarters became clear. The leaders of the old conservative party in Hungary, Count György Majláth and Baron Paul Sennyey , formed a government on behalf of the emperor and on December 14th the Hungarian parliament was reopened. The royal speech from the throne promised the restoration of the integrity of the Hungarian crown, which the Hungarians understood to mean that all lost territories (in addition to the Banat and Transylvania, also Croatia-Slavonia) should be reconnected to Hungary. The negotiations on this and on the determination of the common affairs of the entire monarchy had not yet come to a conclusion when the state parliament was provisionally closed on June 26, 1866 because of the war against Prussia .

Austro-Hungarian equalization

In the dispute that broke out in Austria about the reorganization of the empire after the Peace of Prague , the Hungarians under the leadership of Ferenc Deák took a clear, definite position from the beginning and ultimately prevailed successfully. To a dissolution of the monarchy in five kingdoms and the associated rise of the Slavic prevent nations, the leading minister decided von Beust of the approval German liberals for the dualism of the Empire, dividing into a western half, where the Germans , and an eastern Half where the Magyars should have the excess weight.

In this treaty, Hungary was recognized as an independent state, which was linked to Austria through certain common matters and initially concluded a customs and trade alliance with it for a period of ten years. Hungary took on only 30 percent of the recognized national debts and of the joint expenses for the foreign, army and navy , but stood by the Austrian half of the empire in the delegations on an equal footing. With all the pomp of earlier centuries, the solemn coronation of the king took place in Budapest on June 8, 1867, and the reconciliation of the Magyars with the dynasty was sealed.

Hungarian-Croatian equalization

Since the Austro-Hungarian Compromise restored the territorial status quo of 1848, Croatia-Slavonia had to return under the roof of the St. Stephen's Crown. Unlike Transylvania and the Serbs in the Banat, the Croats were given the opportunity to negotiate with the Hungarian government about partial autonomy for their country within the Hungarian state.

The Hungarian-Croatian settlement came about on September 20, 1868. The autonomy agreed in 1868, which was interpreted by the Croatian side as a treaty between two states, but assessed by the Hungarians as special treatment for a province, stipulated that Croatia-Slavonia should have an independent regional administration and judicial organization, which Sabor received in the area of ​​cult - and education legislative sovereignty. The administrative language became Croatian, but whether this language could also be used in communications with Budapest remained a matter of dispute between the two sides. In the areas of taxation and the military, Croatia-Slavonia had no competencies of its own. The standing at the head of the Croatian state government Ban was not elected by the Sabor, but appointed by the Hungarian government. He was responsible to both the Sabor and the Hungarian Ministry of the Triune Kingdom .


The Nationalities Act of November 29, 1868 stipulated that all residents of Hungary form the unified and indivisible Hungarian nation, and that the Hungarian language should be the state language. The Croatians resisted the application of this law to their land and the conflicts with Budapest shaped Croatian history in the decades that followed. From 1879 the increasing Magyarization policy in the Hungarian part of the empire led to considerable tensions, which only ended at the end of the First World War with the collapse of the Habsburg monarchy and the separation of Croatia from Hungary in 1918.

See also


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Individual evidence

  1. Wolf Dietrich Behschnitt: Nationalism among Serbs and Croats, 1830-1914: Analysis and Typology of National Ideology , Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag, Munich 1980, p. 33ff.