Unidos Podemos

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Unidos Podemos
United We Can
founding May 9, 2016
Alignment Democratic socialism
Criticism of globalization
Direct democracy
Spanish House of Representatives
Spanish Senate
EP Group 5 GUE / NGL
1 Greens / EFA
Website podemos.info
Former logo of Unidos Podemos

Unidos Podemos or Unidas Podemos ( Spanish for Together we can do this ) is a joint candidacy ( coalición electoral ) permitted under Spanish electoral law , with which Podemos , Izquierda Unida (IU) , the green party Equo and other smaller left-wing parties have been running for elections since 2016 .

2015 elections - no joint candidacy

In January 2014, the new left-wing party Podemos , which emerged from the protest movement of the 15-M , was founded. In the 2014 European elections and the 2015 regional and local elections , it left the traditional Spanish left-wing party Izquierda Unida far behind.

Even before the elections to the Spanish parliament on December 20, 2015 , discussions between Podemos and IU about joint lists had taken place. However, these were largely unsuccessful. Community candidates were only held in the regions of Catalonia and Galicia . In Catalonia the EUiA (the Catalan sister party of the IU) together with Podemos , Barcelona en Comú and ICV formed the joint candidacy En Comú Podem . In Galicia, Podemos and IU together with the left regional party ANVOA-Irmandade Nacionalista formed the electoral alliance En Marea . In all other constituencies, however , Podemos and IU competed against each other. The IU formed the Unidad Popular electoral alliance together with several small left-wing parties . Podemos competed in the Valencia region together with the left regional party Compromís and otherwise alone.

In the election on December 20, 2015, the electoral alliances En Comú Podem and En Marea achieved exceptionally good results with 25% each in the regions of Catalonia and Galicia. On Podemos accounted (incl. The electoral alliances En Comú Podem , En Marea and Podemos-compromis ) almost 21% of the vote and 69 of 350 seats in the House of Representatives. In Izquierda Unida-Popular Unity nearly 4% accounted for the votes. Due to the electoral system, which is particularly disadvantageous for smaller national parties, it was only able to win two seats (i.e. only 0.6% of the seats). According to model calculations, given the same election result and adding together the results of Podemos and IU, a nationwide joint candidacy would have received a total of 14 more seats.

2016 elections - first joint candidacy

Electoral alliances with participation of Podemos and IU in the 2016 election: En Comú Podem (Catalonia), Podemos-Compromís-EUPV (Region of Valencia), En Marea (Galicia), Unidos Podemos (remaining constituencies)

After the election on December 20, 2015, the formation of a government failed, which is why Parliament was dissolved again on May 3, 2016 and early elections were scheduled for June 26, 2016 . Podemos and IU had already started talks about a joint candidacy in the upcoming elections. The party leaderships came to an agreement, which was approved in strike votes by the base of both parties.

In Catalonia and Galicia, the community candidates En Comú Podem and En Marea (of which both Podemos and IU had already belonged in 2015) were reissued. In the Valencia region, the IU joined the Podemos-Compromís electoral alliance . In all other constituencies, Podemos and IU ran together with the green party Equo and other smaller left-wing parties in a joint candidacy under the name Unidos Podemos .

In addition to Podemos , IU and Equo , the Unidos Podemos joint candidacy also includes the following parties:

  • Més per Balears-Més per les Illes (regional left party in the Balearic Islands , formed in 2015 alone with a share of 7% of the vote in the Balearic Islands)
  • Batzarre-Asamblea de Izquierdas (left regional party in Navarra , part of the Izquierda Unida-Unidad Popular community candidacy in 2015 )
  • Unidad Popular en Común (2015 part of the joint candidacy Izquierda Unida-Unidad Popular )
  • Izquierda Asturiana (left regional party in Asturias , part of the joint candidacy Izquierda Unida-Unidad Popular in 2015 )
  • Construyendo La Izquierda-Alternativa Socialista (left-wing small party, 2015 part of the joint candidacy Izquierda Unida-Unidad Popular )
  • Segoviemos (left city party in Segovia , part of the joint candidacy Izquierda Unida-Unidad Popular in 2015 )
  • Izquierda Castellana (left regional party in Castile-León , part of the joint candidacy for Izquierda Unida-Unidad Popular in 2015 )
  • Democracia Participativa (left small party)

Elections 2019 - Community candidacy under Unidas Podemos

The joint candidacy of Podemos , IU and Equo (this time together with the small left-wing parties Batzarre-Asamblea de Izquierdas and Alto Aragón en Común ) was launched again for the 2019 Spanish parliamentary elections . In 2019 it was called Unidas Podemos (the feminine form Unidas as a commitment to feminism ). With this composition and under this name, the alliance ran for elections in all of Spain except Catalonia and Galicia in 2019 . In Catalonia , the joint candidacy En Comú Podem was reissued. In Galicia, the joint candidacy En Común-Unidas Podemos 2019 only included the small party Mareas En Común alongside Podemos , IU and Equo .

For the Valencia region, the joint candidacy from Podemos , IU, Equo and the member parties of Compromís was not reissued for 2019. There Unidas Podemos (Podemos / IU) and Compromís competed with separate lists both in the Spanish parliamentary elections and in the regional parliament elections that took place on the same day.

For the regional elections taking place on May 26, 2019 in twelve regions ( Aragon , Asturias , Balearic Islands , Canaries , Cantabria , Castile-La Mancha , Castile-León , Extremadura , Madrid , Murcia , Navarra , La Rioja ) the joint candidacy of Unidas Podemos only came up the Balearic Islands, Castile-La Mancha, Extremadura, Madrid and La Rioja. In the other regions Podemos , IU and Equo - sometimes in different constellations - will compete against each other.

Web links

Commons : Unidos Podemos  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Registration of the joint candidacy with the election committee. May 13, 2016, archived from the original on June 2, 2016 ; accessed on May 23, 2016 .