Unstrut-Werra cycle path

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Unstrut-Werra cycle path
Unstrut-Werra-Radweg Logo.svg
overall length 113 km
location between Werra and Unstrut
Starting point Werratal cycle path at Heldra
51 ° 7 ′ 36.3 ″  N , 10 ° 11 ′ 45 ″  E
Target point Unstrut cycle path near Schönfeld
51 ° 21 ′ 40.1 ″  N , 11 ° 15 ′ 54.7 ″  E
Places along the way Treffurt , Oberdorla , Mühlhausen , Bad Frankenhausen , Schönfeld
Flooring asphalt
Height difference Lowest point: 121 m (Schönfeld)
Highest point: 427 m (Heyerode train station)
difficulty There are only a few larger inclines to overcome
Traffic volume Little, mostly separate bike paths on former railway lines
Connection to Werratal cycle path , Unstrut cycle path
Website URL unstrut-werra.de
The viaduct at Heyerode as a cycle path
Tank cemetery near Rockensussra

The Unstrut-Werra Cycle Path is a long -distance cycle path in northern Thuringia . It was released on April 25, 2016. Over a total length of 113 km, the cycle path connects the long-distance cycle paths along the Werra and Unstrut rivers , and crosses northern Thuringia south of the Harz Mountains .


The Unstrut-Werra cycle path begins on the Werratal cycle path near Heldra in Hesse between the Thuringian towns of Großburschla and Treffurt and runs to Mühlhausen for around 30 kilometers on the route of the Mühlhausen - Treffurt railway line ( Vogteier Bimmelbahn ). In Mühlhausen the Unstrut cycle path is reached for the first time after 32 km .

Behind Mühlhausen, the cycle path runs along the route of the Mühlhausen - Ebeleben railway line , leaving out Schlotheim . In the further course the route of the Hohenebra-Ebelebener railway is used for a short time before the route finally leads via Gundersleben , Hohenebra and Oberspier to Sondershausen .

From there to Bad Frankenhausen , the Unstrut-Werra cycle path runs along the route of the Kyffhäuserbahn , from Bad Frankenhausen you can reach the Unstrut cycle path via Oldisleben at Heldrungen station. Finally, the cycle path leads via Esperstadt and Ringleben to Schönfeld bei Artern , where it reaches the Unstrut cycle path again.


The cycle path leads largely over former railway lines, which means that the height differences are kept within limits, and is paved throughout. However, some stretches of the route have considerable inclines, which means that the cycle path is not suitable for wheelchair users.

See also

Web links

Commons : Unstrut-Werra-Radweg  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files