Uors from Planta

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Uors von Planta (* 31 March 1916 in Zurich ; † 20th January 1979 ) was a Swiss production manager and manager .

Live and act

Planta studied chemistry after graduating from high school and then worked as an operations manager in a machine factory. During the Second World War , he did his military service with the Helvetian air force. Back in civilian life in 1944, he found a job with the largest film production company in the country, Praesens-Film , in his hometown of Zurich. The very first cinema production he was in charge of as production manager was to become his most famous work: Leopold Lindtberg's Die last Chance described the flight of several people from different countries who crossed the Swiss border in safety from the events of the war and the Wehrmacht shooting at them from northern Italy in 1944 try to escape. Von Planta remained active as a production manager until 1950, mostly under Oscar Düby's production management .

Uors von Planta remained the most important production manager at Praesens until 1952 when he was allowed to work alongside Max Dora for the first time as production manager. After conventional Swiss films had suffered a severe financial and artistic crisis at the beginning of the 1960s, von Planta left Praesens and worked from 1963 to 1978 as the production manager of around 100 medical films by Norman P. Schenker in Geneva. In 1977 von Planta shot the documentary The Challenge of Life for television together with his old Praesens director Lindtberg.

Filmography (complete)

Until 1950 as production manager, then as production manager, unless otherwise stated


  • Johann Caspar Glenzdorf: Glenzdorf's international film lexicon. Biographical manual for the entire film industry. Volume 3: Peit – Zz. Prominent-Filmverlag, Bad Münder 1961, DNB 451560752 , p. 1302 f.
  • Hervé Dumont : The History of Swiss Film. Feature films 1896–1965. Lausanne 1987, p. 391.

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