Ursula Ziebarth

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Ursula Ziebarth (born November 20, 1921 in Berlin ; † March 20, 2018 ) was a German writer .


Ursula Ziebarth studied history , art history and German studies from 1940 to 1945 at the universities in Berlin , Heidelberg and Strasbourg . In 1948 she moved to Worpswede , where she lived as a freelance writer and journalist . In 1954 she met Gottfried Benn at a poet meeting in Bad Wildungen . From August 1954 to 1956 she was Gottfried Benn's lover. After quitting a position as a lecturer at the Winkler Verlag in Cologne in 1955 with the help of Benn , she worked at the German Institute for Economic Research in Berlin until 1986 .

Ursula Ziebarth wrote non-fiction books for children in the 1950s . From 1976 literary works appeared, from 2011 extensive parts of her project "Hadeskassiber". She became known to a broader literary public in 2001 through the volume "Hernach" with Benn's letters to her and their comments.


  • From the post office , Bielefeld [u. a.] 1950
  • Peter, Polly and the police , Bielefeld [u. a.] 1951
  • On the farm , Bremen 1952
  • On the street , Bremen 1952
  • Schildbürger stories , Bremen 1952
  • Our village , Bremen 1952
  • Departure 11:33 , Bremen 1953
  • We meet 7 people today , Bremen 1954
  • Atchoo! , Bremen 1957
  • Butter and lard, sugar and salt , Bremen 1959
  • Our big city , Bremen 1960
  • One smile too little - one smile too many , Bremen 1961
  • Hexenspeise , Pfullingen 1976
  • Ein Kinderspiegel , Munich 1979 (re-edition Weitra 1997)
  • A woman made of gold , Frankfurt am Main 1991
  • Afterwards. Gottfried Benn's letters to Ursula Ziebarth , Göttingen 2001 (together with Gottfried Benn )
  • Trust your eyes! , Göttingen 2003
  • Hadeskassiber , Berlin 2011
  • Hostel for a silent speech , Berlin 2011
  • Here in Europe , Berlin 2011
  • Hervorgeholt , Berlin 2012
  • Hermann Beil : Letters to a theater fanatic and his to me too . Ursula Ziebarth Verlag, Berlin, 2015 ISBN 978-3-00-049469-7


Individual evidence

  1. Invitation to the funeral service on April 16, 2018

Web links