Ute Leimgruber

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Ute Leimgruber (born June 19, 1974 in Marktredwitz ) is a Roman Catholic theologian and professor of pastoral theology and homiletics at the University of Regensburg .


After studying law and theology in Regensburg and Graz and completing her doctorate with Rainer Bucher , Ute Leimgruber worked from 2003 to 2009 as a research assistant at the Institute for Pastoral Theology and Homiletics of the Fulda Theological Faculty with Richard Hartmann . In 2010 he completed his habilitation. After teaching assignments in Erlangen-Nuremberg , Fulda , Innsbruck , Cologne and Bamberg , Leimgruber was in charge of the theology in correspondence course in Würzburg from 2010 to 2017. Since 2019 she has held the professorship for pastoral theology and homiletics at the University of Regensburg , which she had represented since 2017.


The main research areas of Ute Leimgruber at her professorship include social pastoral care and the diaconal presence after the end of the national church , the references to social discrimination and exclusion dynamics - e.g. B. Racism and sexism - and religion / church action as well as the reception of postcolonial theories of theology. Furthermore, she conducts theological-feminist research taking into account intersectionality approaches with a focus on sexual and spiritual abuse of adult women in the Catholic Church . In addition, the connections between expected and actual relevance of theological research are examined. As part of the perimortal sciences course, which will be introduced from the winter semester 2020/21, the diakonia at the end of life will also focus on.  

Leimgruber is a member of the editorial board of the journal Lebendige Seelsorge , board member of "AGENDA Forum Catholic Theologians eV", appointed member of the forum "Women in Services and Offices of the Church" of the Synodal Way , member of the theological commission of the Catholic German Women's Association ( KDFB ) and member of the Working Group Pastoral Theology eV

In addition, Leimgruber is co-organizer of the Regensburg literature series “Literature Finds City”.

Publications (selection)

  • GOD. POWER. PUBLIC. Anthology for the Hohenheim Theologians' Meeting 2019 , ed. together with Gunda Werner , will be published in 2020.
  • Hostility toward Gender in Catholic and Political Right-Wing Movements. In: Religions 2020, 11 (6), 301, online: MDPI .
  • When women refuse to be nice. Intervention against some misogynous local wisdom, March 9, 2020, online: Feinschwarz.net (short version) and University of Regensburg (long version).
  • "Policy matters". The Political in Church Action and Thinking Cornel West, in: ZPTH 39 (2019/1), 39-50 .
  • Ecumenism that writes life. Confessional Identity and Ecumenical Engagement in Contemporary Witness Reports, ed. together with Regina Heyder and Maria Flachsbarth , Münster 2017, ISBN 978-3-402-13277-7 .
  • Avant-garde in crisis. A pastoral theological location of the women's orders after the Second Vatican Council (= Fulda Studies. Volume 14), Freiburg im Breisgau 2011, ISBN 978-3-451-30526-9 (also habilitation thesis, Theological Faculty Fulda 2010).
  • The devil. The power of evil, Kevelaer 2010, ISBN 978-3-7666-1358-5 .
  • Convents of women - convent women. Life in religious communities today. Matthias Grünewald Verlag, Ostfildern 2008, ISBN 3-7867-2704-X .
  • No goodbye to the devil. A study of the current talk of the devil in God's people (= Werkstatt Theologie. Volume 2), Münster 2004, ISBN 3-8258-7197-5 (also dissertation, Graz 2003).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Holder of the professorship - University of Regensburg. Retrieved June 20, 2020 .
  2. Perimortal Sciences
  3. ^ Research - University of Regensburg. Retrieved June 20, 2020 .
  4. ^ AGENDA Forum of Catholic Theologians eV
  5. ^ Holder of the professorship - University of Regensburg. Retrieved June 20, 2020 .
  6. ^ State Library Regensburg / press release: title. Retrieved June 20, 2020 .