Vanessa Terpsichore

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Vanessa Terpsichore
Vanessa Terpsichore

Vanessa Terpsichore

Class : Insects (Insecta)
Order : Butterflies (Lepidoptera)
Superfamily : Papilionoidea
Family : Noble butterfly (Nymphalidae)
Genre : Vanessa
Type : Vanessa Terpsichore
Scientific name
Vanessa Terpsichore
Philippi , 1859

Vanessa terpsichore is a butterfly ( butterflies ) of the genus Vanessa fromthe noble butterfly family (Nymphalidae), whichoccursin Chile . The epithet terpsichore comes from the Greek Τερψιχόρη and means 'die Reigenfrohe', or 'die Tanzfreudige' (Latin and German emphasis on the i: Terps i chore). It denotes one of the nine muses , all of whom are daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne .


Vanessa terpsichore has a forewing length of 23 to 27 millimeters for the males and 25 to 28 millimeters for the females. In contrast to V. annabella and V. carye , in both sexes the light bar in front of the apex of the forewing upper side is tan and not white. It differs more clearly from the two species by an angled, narrow, black band that runs on the upper side of the hind wing from the costa to the rear edge in front of the eye spots. It differs from all other species in that it has only two instead of four eye spots. The only exceptions are some moths of V. braziliensis .

The hind wing underside differs significantly from other species. It has a purer brown and is less watered and marbled. The front edge is two-thirds yellow and a yellow band extends to the middle of the wing, where it ends with a white border. The two eye spots on the top are clearly repeated on the bottom and are larger and bordered with a yellow ring.

Nothing is known about the pre-imaginal stages.

Geographical distribution

Vanessa terpsichore occurs in Chile from the Región de Atacama to the Región de Aysén . Alleged sightings from Colombia and Ecuador require review.


  • Vanesja [sic] terpsichore Philippi , 1859
  • Vanessa terpsichore Philippi , 1860
  • Pyrameis terpsichore , Kirby , 1871
  • Payrameis [sic] terpsichore , Reed , 1877
  • Pyrameis virginiensis , ( Drury ), Berg nicht Drury [a misidentification], 1882
  • Pyrames [sic] iterpsichore , Ureta [a misspelling of Pyrameis terpsichore ], 1935
  • Cynthia terpsichore , Field , 1971


  • Rudolph Amandus Philippi : Description of some new Chilean butterflies . In: Linnaea entomologica . Published by the Entomological Association in Szczecin. Volume 14, 1860, pp. 265–297, limited preview in Google Book search
  • William Dewitt Field : Butterflies of the Genus Vanessa and of the Resurrected Genera Bassaris and Cynthia (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) . In: Smithsonian Contributions To Zoology , Number 84, 1971 PDF

Web links

Commons : Vanessa terpsichore  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Philippi, S. 266f.
  2. a b c d Field, p. 53