Velké dějiny zemí Koruny české

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Velké dějiny zemí Koruny české , thematic series: Stát

The Velké dějiny zemí Koruny české (German: Great History of the Countries of the Bohemian Crown ) is a history in the Czech language published in 15 parts or 19 volumes . It covers the political, cultural, social and economic events in the historical area of ​​the countries of the Bohemian Crown from prehistory to after 1945. It is published by Paseka . The first volume of the edition appeared in 1998 and the last volume came out in 2013.

The edition continues the great projects of František Palacký and Jan Laichter , a publisher from the time of the First Republic, which, however, end in 1526 and only deal with the history of the Middle Ages in the countries of the Bohemian Crown. The Velké dějiny zemí Koruny české project itself is linked to the Dějiny zemí Koruny české textbook project , which had an edition of over 200,000 copies, and the core of the project are the same historians who also worked on the textbooks.

Since 2009, a special series has been published that is dedicated to individual interesting topics, such as architecture , folk culture, tourism and legal history . So far five thematic volumes have been published.


  • Karolina Adamová (* 1948), legal historian specializing in legal developments in the Middle Ages
  • Milena Bartlová (* 1958), who specializes in the visual arts of Bohemia from the 14th and 15th centuries, lectures at the Philosophical Faculty of Masaryk University in Brno and the Pedagogical Faculty of Charles University in Prague.
  • Pavel Bělina (* 1948), historian, coordinator and editor-in-chief of the Velké dějiny zemí Koruny české project
  • Marie Bláhová (* 1944), historian specializing in the medieval history of the countries of the Bohemian Crown and Central Europe, chronology and medieval historiography and culture
  • Lenka Bobková (* 1947), historian who deals with the history of the late Middle Ages and the early modern period and teaches at the Philosophical Faculty of Charles University in Prague.
  • Michael Borovička (* 1951), historian, publicist and translator, who deals with 19th century Czech history and military history
  • Petr Čornej (* 1951), historian and author of several books. For his publication at the Velké dějiny zemí Koruny české , he was awarded the Josef Hlávka Prize in the field of research and specialist literature in 2000.
  • Ivana Čornejová (* 1950), historian specializing in Czech and church history from the 16th to 18th centuries and the history of the Czech school system
  • Jan Frolik (* 1956), archaeologist who mainly deals with excavations at Prague Castle and has participated in numerous archaeological explorations in several Czech cities
  • Jan Gebhart (* 1945), historian focusing on the problems of the second Czechoslovak resistance (1939–1945) and related topics
  • Milan Hlavačka (* 1955), historian specializing in the political, social and economic history of the Habsburg Monarchy and the Bohemian Crown, as well as the history of transport
  • Jiří Kaše (* 1946), art historian specializing in the art and culture of the 18th and early 19th centuries
  • Antonín Klimek (1937–2005), historian who mainly dealt with the history of the first Czechoslovak Republic
  • Jan P. Kučera (* 1948), historian with a focus on cultural history, religion and political theory and translator of librettos and specialist literature
  • Jan Kuklík (1940–2009), historian and educator, who deals primarily with the time of the Munich crisis and the protectorate in the context of Czech history
  • Jiří Mikulec (* 1962), historian researching the history of religion, political history and cultural history of the countries of the Bohemian Crown and the Habsburg Monarchy in the 17th and 18th centuries
  • Naďa Profantová (* 1962), historian and archaeologist with a focus on the early medieval history of the Western Slavs
  • Karel Schelle (* 1952), legal historian who deals with the development of public administration from 1848 to the present day
  • Jaromír diving (* 1981), legal historian with a focus on the state and legal development in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, as well as in the First Czechoslovak Republic
  • Daniela Tinková (* 1973), historian with a focus on the cultural, social and intellectual history from the 17th to the 20th century in the Habsburg Monarchy, in France and Italy
  • Vratislav Vaníček (* 1947), historian and dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences at ČVUT in Prague, who deals with the history of the Middle Ages, especially in Bohemia during the Přemyslid period
  • Irena Veselá (* 1977), curator for music history at the Moravského zemského muzeum in Brno. Deals with court music and the area of ​​the Austrian Habsburgs in the 17th and 18th centuries
  • Vít Vlnas (* 1962), historian who deals with the culture of the Baroque and the problems of written sources on the history of the visual arts. Vlnas is director of the collection of old masters at the National Gallery.
  • Petr Vorel (* 1963), historian and dean of the philosophical faculty at the University of Pardubitz, who deals with the political and cultural history as well as the development of the circulation of money at the beginning of modern Europe

List of volumes

tape part Period Authors theme Remarks
1 I. until 1197 Marie Bláhová, Jan Frolík, Naďa Profantová Prehistory of the Bohemian lands and development during the time of the Great Moravian Mojmirids and the Dukes of the Přemyslids Lecturers of the archaeological part are Vladimír Čtverák, Zdeněk Dragoun, Milan Zápotocký
2 II. 1197-1250 Vratislav Vaníček Beginning of the hereditary monarchy and rise of the class society in the Bohemian countries
3 III. 1250-1310 Vratislav Vaníček Growth of power, economy and culture of the Bohemian state under the last Přemyslids Editing: Jan Klápště
4th IVa. 1310-1402 Lenka Bobková The time of John of Bohemia and Charles IV - the Bohemian state at the zenith of development as a great power Proofreading: i Petr Čornej, František Kavka
5 IVb. 1310-1402 Lenka Bobková, Milena Bartlová The time of Wenceslas IV and the beginning of the decline from the great power Proofreading :: Petr Čornej, František Kavka
6th V. 1402-1437 Petr Čornej Bohemian lands at the beginning of the Reformation and the Hussite Wars Editing: František Kavka
7th VI. 1437-1526 Petr Čornej, Milena Bartlová Time of Poděbrady and the Jagiellonian - Rise of the estates monarchy Editing: František Šmahel
8th VII. 1526-1618 Petr Vorel Class monarchy in the High Renaissance and the denominational rivalries during the rule of the early Habsburgs Proofreading: Josef Válka, Jaroslav Pánek
9 VIII. 1618-1683 Ivana Čornejová, Jiří Kaše, Jiří Mikulec, Vít Vlnas Thirty Years' War and the beginning of the re-Catholicization as well as their part in the defense against the Turks Proofreading: Marie-Elizabeth Ducreux, Jaroslav Bužga, Martin Pavlíček
10 IX. 1683-1740 Pavel Bělina, Jiří Kaše, Jiří Mikulec, Irena Veselá, Vít Vlnas The height of re-Catholicization, the heyday of the Baroque era and the first signs of the decline of the Czech language in the Kingdom of Bohemia Proofreading: Iveta Coufalová, Margita Havlíčková, Martin Pavlíček, Jana Spáčilová
11 X. 1740-1792 Pavel Bělina, Jiří Kaše, Jan P. Kučera Silesian Wars , Enlightenment reforms, centralization and Germanization of administration in the Bohemian lands Proofreading: Valentin Urfus, Eduard Maur, Julius Hůlek
12 XIa. 1792-1860 Pavel Bělina, Milan Hlavačka, Daniela Tinková Habsburg monarchy fighting against Napoleonic hegemony, revolutionary democracy and the beginning of the formation of a modern Czech nation Editor: Dušan Uhlíř
13 XIb. 1792-1860 Milan Hlavačka, Jiří Kaše, Jan P. Kučera, Daniela Tinková Beginning of the rule of law, the market economy, civil society and popular culture Editing: Dušan Uhlíř
14th XIIa. 1860-1890 Michael Borovička, Jiří Kaše, Jan P. Kučera, Pavel Bělina Renewal of the constitutional development in the Austrian Empire, industrialization and development of the Czech-speaking culture Editing: Milan Hlavačka
15th XIIb. 1890-1918 Michael Borovička, Jiří Kaše, Jan P. Kučera, Pavel Bělina Bohemia as the workshop of the Habsburg Monarchy and the scene of ethnic disputes and their development during the First World War Proofreading: Milan Hlavačka, Petr Horák, Zdenko Maršálek
16 XIII. 1918-1929 Antonín Klimek Establishment and development of the independent Czechoslovak state in the years of the post-war economy Editing: Robert Kvaček, Ivan Šedivý
17th XIV. 1929-1938 Antonín Klimek Consequences of the global economic crisis and the policy of appeasement, the threat to the republic from German National Socialism and the outcome of the Munich conference Editing: Robert Kvaček, Ivan Šedivý
18th XVa. 1938-1945 Jan Gebhart, Jan Kuklík Destruction of Czechoslovakia, early years of the Protectorate and formation of the anti-Nazi resistance at the beginning of the Second World War Editing: Robert Kvaček
19th XVb. 1938-1945 Jan Gebhart, Jan Kuklík Entry of the Soviet Union and the United States into World War II, reinforcement of the resistance and the renewal of the Czechoslovak Republic Editing: Robert Kvaček

Individual volumes of the thematic series

Authors theme Year of issue
Petr Kratochvíl et al. architecture 2009
Michael Borovička tourism 2010
Jindřich Francek Crime and Freedom of Justice 2011
Lubomír Tyllner et al. Folk culture 2015
Karel Schelle , Karolina Adamová , Jaromír Diving , Antonín Lojek Country 2015
Karel Schelle , Karolina Adamová , Jaromír Diving , Antonín Lojek Law 2017

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