Vicent Franch

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Vicent Franch

Vicent Franch i Ferrer (* 1949 in Burriana ) is a Spanish lawyer , political scientist , journalist and writer .


He is a retired professor of constitutional law and also of political and administrative science at the University of Valencia . From 1990 to 1995 he was a judge at the Administrative Court of the Region of Valencia.

He is the director of the Valencia Region's Election Documentation Center. A few years ago he became director of the text collection 'Estudi General-Textos Valencians' of the Alfons el Magnànim Foundation of the District Council of Valencia. The purpose of this collection of texts is to recover the most important Valencian contributions to social thought and debate since Arnau de Vilanova until now. During different periods he was director of the Constitutional Law and Political and Administrative Science Department at the University of Valencia . He is currently the director of Tractat de l'Aigua (Valencian multidisciplinary journal on water).

During the transition he was first president and later Syndicus of the Agrupació Borrianenca de Cultura (Borriana Cultural Society). He was also mayor of the small village of Aín , in the province of Castellón , from 1999 to 2003 .

During these years Vicent Franch has participated in numerous debates, colloquiums and conferences. He has also taken part in various courses and seminars.



Vicent Franch is the author of about a dozen books and nearly a hundred articles on Valencian political history, local Spanish law, linguistic rights, and political theory and practice. He has written various reports and reports on the problems facing the Valencian regional government today. He is also the author of a lengthy report on changing the electoral system of the Spanish Senate, which was commissioned by the Spanish Senate itself in 1997.

In collaboration with other professors, he was the author of the Morella Statute (1979). This document served as a model for the various versions and proposals of statutes of autonomy for the Valencian country during the Spanish transition to democracy. He has overseen many works on polls and political behavior by Valencians. In 2005 he was the author of a series of proposals for the reform of the Valencian Statute of Autonomy, and on linguistic rights.

The following works can be highlighted:

  • Volem l'Estatut! Una Autonomia possible per al País Valencià (collective work) (1977). (Catalan)
  • El nacionalisme agrarista valencià (1918-1923) (1981). (Catalan)
  • El blasquisme: Reorganització i conflictes polítics (1928-1936) (1984), (Essay Prize Vicent Boix ). (Catalan)
  • Document 88 (collective work) (1989). (Catalan)
  • El sentiment constitucional dels valencians (2003) . (Catalan)
  • Les eleccions autonòmiques i municipals del 25 de maig del 2003 a la Comunitat Valenciana (2005) (he is the author and editor). (Catalan)
  • Vicent Cañada Blanch (1900–1993): la voluntad de mecenazgo (2010) (long biography of this patron of Borriana). (Spanish)


As a novelist - his inner passion - he has published various books. The following works can be highlighted:

  • La vetla d'En Pere Ruixes ( Malvarrosa Fairy Tale Prize in 1978). (Catalan)
  • La fuita d'En Quim Ortolà (1984). (Catalan)
  • L'Enquesta (and other fairy tales) ( Pasqual Tirado Fairy Tale Prize in 1984). (Catalan)
  • Estius a la Carta (1990) . (Catalan)
  • Palamarinar (1994) (this book is half magical and half autobiographical). (Catalan)

He was the director of El Conte del Diumenge ( Prometeo Verlag) during the last epoch (the first 80s of the former century). Every now and then he did book reviews.


He has been a columnist since 1976 and has written articles (in Spanish and Valencian) for many newspapers and magazines:

He has written and published nearly 2,500 articles and columns. Today he is in the process of preparing the publication of a collection of books from all of his journalistic work.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Your website can be visited ( page no longer available , search in web archives: here ).@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /
  2. For example at ( page no longer available , search in web archives: this one ) in Casal Jaume I from l'Alcúdia on January 27, 2006.@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /
  3. For example at this conference ( Memento of the original from September 27, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. at the Jaume I University of Castelló on December 4th, 2008. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  4. Here is a non-exhaustive list of his articles and books in this room.
  5. Here you can read the news about the public presentation of this book on April 25, 2010 in the Agrupació Borrianenca de Cultura (Borriana Cultural Society).
  6. Such as this book review (PDF; 29 kB) of the novel Mari Catúfols by Isa Tròlec , which was published in issue 242 of the Serra d'Or magazine (November 1979). (Catalan)
  7. Here (PDF; 346 kB) you can find a small selection of his articles. These articles were published in various newspapers from 1995 to 2005