Victor Vreuls

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Victor Vreuls (born February 4, 1876 in Verviers , † July 26 or 27, 1944 in Sint-Joost-ten-Node ) was a Belgian violinist , conductor and composer .

Live and act

Victor Vreuls received his first music lessons at the Conservatory in his hometown Verviers, after which he moved to the Liège Conservatory. There he received lessons in composition and fugue theory from Jean-Théodore Radoux, and studied harmony with Sylvain Dupuis . He then took private lessons with Vincent d'Indy in Paris. In 1901 d'Indy appointed him to the Schola Cantorum de Paris . In 1904 he founded the concert company Camera with Charles Bordes , which was dedicated to organizing concerts of early music. Also in 1904 he received the Prix Eugène Ysaÿe , for his symphony for violin and orchestra. In 1906 he was appointed the first director of the newly established Conservatoire du Luxembourg . In addition to this task, he made a name for himself as an internationally active conductor. In 1925 he was accepted into the Académie Royale de Belgique , Beaux-Arts section. He resigned from his position as director in Luxembourg in 1926 for health reasons.

The list of his compositions includes chamber music, symphonic works, two operas, a ballet music and melodies. His work is influenced by d'Indy and César Franck . To Richard Wagner remind his elaborate orchestrations. In several of his smaller sound creations he evokes the folk music of the Belgian Ardennes , with titles such as Au bord de l'Amblève , Gerbe ardennaise or En Ardenne .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Victor Vreuls ( Memento from January 9, 2018 in the Internet Archive )
  2. Pierre-Jean Tribot: Victor Vreuls, un pilier de l'école franco-belge. In: res musica. June 6, 2011, accessed December 9, 2019 (French).
  3. Thierry Levaux: Dictionnaire des compositeurs de Belgique du Moyen Âge à nos jours , Editions Art in Belgium, Ohain-Lasne 2006, pp 698-699 ISBN 2-930338-37-7