Four pastors' daughters

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German title Four pastors' daughters
Original title Las mujeres de Jeremias
Country of production Mexico , Spain
original language Spanish
Publishing year 1981
length 98 (German: 80) minutes
Age rating FSK 16
Director Ramón Fernández
script Alfredo Mañas
production Carlos Vasallo
music Renato Serio
camera Fernando Arribas
cut Juan Antonio Rojo

Four Pastors' Daughters (original title: Las mujeres de Jeremias ) is a Mexican western with elements of erotic films . Ramón Fernández directed the film, known internationally as Bordello , in 1981. The film was premiered on video in German-speaking countries and was also marketed as Die wilde Meute .


Jeremías Sanchez is a Protestant pastor; He lives with his wife Tamar and four pretty daughters in Nogales in northern Mexico. The stalking of a quartet of young men presents the parents with ever new problems to defend the honor of the family and the innocence of their daughters, which is achieved with all sorts of cunning and quick-witted fearlessness of the beauties. To make matters worse, the local blacksmith "Pancho" has a lustful eye on Tamar; after a service, this leads to a brawl between him and the clergyman that ends in a draw. One day Jeremías receives a letter from the nearby United States informing him of the death of his sister and making him heir to a ranch. Tired of the constant quarrels in Nogales, he travels to Newton, Arizona with his wife and daughters.

To his disillusionment, the local judge informed him in the presence of a Spencer Dalton that the property was completely worthless and that the building belonging to it had served as a brothel. Jeremías is determined to fulfill the last will of his close relatives and transform the ranch into a virtuous paradise. This provokes the anger of the neighbor Jonathan Dalton (Chuck Connors), who is the leader of a mean gang of brothers and wants to invade the Sanchez premises by all means. Because what the newcomer does not know: Under the “Garden of Venus” - as the joy house is called - there is a lot of copper, and in order to get to it, Jeremías' sister was murdered. Of course, Tamar only found out after her pious husband fell victim to an attack by the Daltons on the wedding day of all places.

The widow almost returned to Nogales with her offspring, but then she decides to stay and take up the fight with the criminals. Zacarías, a young Newtonian, is sent to Mexico to summon the four guys who used to attack the Sanchez beauties all the time, but without success; They don't take long to be asked, and a little later “Pancho” comes across the border. Together with two local women, they decide to lure the villains into a trap by reopening the brothel. Well prepared for the attack of the Daltons, they can actually be overwhelmed and chased "from the field". "Pancho" would then like to stay with Tamar, but because she is still in mourning, the liaison has to be postponed to both of them regretfully. Meanwhile there is the marriage of all four daughters with their “saviors”; just as the long-awaited sexual act is being carried out loudly in all beds on the wedding night, Jonathan Dalton and his gang rode another attack against the ranch. Unfortunately for him, one of the brides in her sexual ecstasy reaches for the trigger of a device that was installed in preparation for the first attack - the scoundrels fall victim to a gigantic permanent explosion.


The “shallow entertainment film” uses “a common comedy motif and is therefore a bit quirky,” says


In many published versions of the film, those involved are named by pseudonyms .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Four pastors' daughters. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed March 2, 2017 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used 