Villem Reiman

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Villem Reiman

Villem Reiman (born February 25 . Jul / 9. March  1861 greg. In Karola, Kreis Fellin , † May 12 jul. / 25. May  1917 greg. In Kolga-Jaani ) was an Estonian minister as well as cultural and literary historian.

Education and professional career

Reiman went to school in Fellin from 1872 to 1878 and then switched to high school in Pärnu . After graduating from high school there (1882), he studied theology at the University of Dorpat from 1882 to 1887 . When the Estonian Students' Association, which had existed since 1870, was officially legalized in 1883, Reiman was one of the leading figures in the student union. After the candidate examination, he spent a probationary year with Jakob Hurt in Saint Petersburg . In 1890 he was given a pastor's position in Kolga-Jaani, which he held until his death.

Cultural and historical activities

In addition to his work as a parish priest, Reiman remained room for a wide range of activities that extended to the journalistic, scientific and social fields. Symbolic of his socio-political and organizational commitment of the offense may be that he both 1894 resolution meeting the Estonian Literärischen company and in 1907 the inaugural meeting of the Estonian Literary Society , in which he was responsible, presided. Such national political activities also meant that he was targeted by the authorities on several occasions and, during the Russification phase, was even partially under house arrest.

From a scientific point of view, Villem Reiman was one of the first to draw attention to the older Estonian literature. He wrote a history of the Estonian translation of the Bible (1889, ²1890) and provided editions of important texts from the 17th century (Georg Müller, Joachim Rossihnius). He also wrote the biographies of previous authors, worked as an editor of book series and calendars and reported regularly to the press. In addition to the societies mentioned, he also participated in the activities of the Estonian Scholarly Society and was active in the abstinence movement.

In 1900 he edited Ferdinand Löwe's new German translation of the Estonian epic Kalevipoeg by Friedrich Reinhold Kreutzwald and wrote a detailed introduction to it. In 1901 Reiman was the first to pull the Estonian poet Kristian Jaak Peterson , who was unknown during his lifetime and now completely forgotten, from oblivion, although he disapproved of his poetry. But soon after that, Peterson was rediscovered by others and recognized literarily.


  • Eesti Piibli ümberpanemise lugu: Meie Piibli 150-aastase juubeli mälestuseks . Tartu: sn 1889. 124 pp.
  • Thirty-nine Estonian sermons by Georg Müller from 1600–1606 . With a foreword by Wilhelm Reiman, Pastor of Klein St. Johannis, published by the Estonian Scholarly Society at Dorpat University. Dorpat 1891. 341 pp. (Negotiations of the Estonian learned society 15), digitized
  • Eduard Ahrens . Jurjew: sn 1894. 23 p.
  • Eesti kodu . Jurjew: KA Hermann 1894. 24 pp.
  • Kuidas priius mile tuli . Tartu: Eesti Üliõpilaste Selts 1895. 29 p.
  • Joachim Rossihnius. South Estonian translation of the Lutheran Catechism, the Sunday Gospels and Epistles and the Passion of Jesus with an appendix translated into South Estonian hymns and pieces of the agenda with an introduction. Dorpat 1898. 273 pp. (Negotiations of the Estonian learned society 19)
  • Kalewipoeg. Translated from Estonian by F. Löwe. Edited with an introduction and annotations by W. Reiman. Reval: Franz Kluge 1900. 343 pp.
  • Kivid yes killud . Tartu: Postimees 1907. 172 pp.
  • Jaan Adamson Tartu: Postimees 1913. 89 pp.
  • Mis mostly saab? Koostanud ja eessõna: Hando Runnel . Tartu: Ilmamaa 2008. 512 p. (Eesti mõttelugu 80)

Literature on the author

  • Villem Reimani mälestuseks. Tartu: Postimees 1924. 31 pp.
  • Hindrik Prants: Surma ja elu vahel. Kahe EKS-i 13-aastane vaheaeg, in: Eesti Kirjandus 9/1932, pp. 436-442.
  • Friido Toomus: Villem Reiman, Eesti kriitilise rahvusluse isa. Tallinn: Cooperative 1935. 48 pp.
  • August Palm: Villem Reiman. Tartu: Eesti Kirjanduse Selts 1937. 178 pp.
  • Mart Laar : Villem Reiman ja Jaan Tõnisson , in Looming 2/1988, pp. 236–243.

Web links

Wikisource: Wilhelm Reiman  - Sources and full texts

Individual evidence

  1. Eesti kirjanike leksikon. Koostanud Oskar Kruus yes Heino Puhvel. Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 2000, pp. 458-459.
  2. Cornelius Hasselblatt : History of Estonian Literature. Berlin, New York: De Gruyter 2006, p. 283.
  3. Eesti kirjanike leksikon. Koostanud Oskar Kruus yes Heino Puhvel. Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 2000, p. 459.
  4. Cornelius Hasselblatt: History of Estonian Literature. Berlin, New York: De Gruyter 2006, p. 194.