Vittorio Lazzarini

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Vittorio Lazzarini (born December 7, 1866 in Venice , † July 12, 1957 in Padua ) was an Italian politician and historian, diplomat and paleographer , who mainly dealt with the Venetian late Middle Ages .

Entrance to the Politecnico in Milan , where Lazzarini turned away from technical subjects

Lazzarini was born in Venice in 1866, the son of Giuseppe and Luigia Visinoni. Urged by his father to study engineering, he enrolled in the industrial section of the Istituto Paolo Sarpi in Venice, specialized in shipbuilding and went to the Politecnico of Milan. But he gave up this course after just three months to turn to the humanities.

Execution of the Fratelli Bandiera in 1844

Within a year he learned Latin and Greek and was able to enroll in Bologna , where he heard from Giosuè Carducci . After two years he moved to Padua , where he studied with Giuseppe De Leva , Guido Mazzoni and, above all, Andrea Gloria , who brought him closer to Paduan history and palaeography. Lazzarini obtained his laureate in 1889 in the subject of history at the University of Padua , but he was first as Consigliere comunale politician in Venice between 1892 and 1893. As a Mazzinian he belonged to the radical Venetian group of the Fratelli Bandiera . He also gave up this potential career in favor of an appointment at the Istituto tecnico of Trapani , but he also vacated this post after just one trimester .

His academic thesis had with the conspiracy of Marino Falier tackles (1355), where he 250 Regesten annexed, in which he summarized sources that were still largely unpublished. In 1895 he went to Padua, where he worked as an assistant at the Musei civici agli Eremitani . He became its director in 1903 until he gave up this position in 1910 to become professor of palaeography and diplomatics at the University of Padua . There he taught from 1910 to 1936. He became dean of the Facoltà di lettere and director of the Scuola storico-filologica delle Venezie and Socio des Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti . This was due to the fact that with his permanent stays in the Venice State Archives he had become one of the best experts on the Venetian sources. It fits that he was Socio der Deputazione veneta di storia patria in 1894 , then its president from 1916 to 1919; Then he worked on the board of directors of the Archivio Veneto for decades, was Socio des Istituto veneto di scienze, lettere ed arti, where he was socio corrispondente from 1903 , vice-secretary from 1921 to 1934 and vice-president from 1934 to 1945. He was also on the advisory board of the Fondazione Querini Stampalia (1914-1919), in the Comitato nazionale per il latino dell'Alto Medioevo , which he chaired, from 1901 he was a member of the Accademia Patavina , which he chaired from 1928 to 1930 and 1931 to 1932. Then he was Socio of the Accademia dei Concordi di Rovigo (from 1919), the Deputazione toscana di storia patria (from 1922), the Società dalmata di storia patria (from 1927) and from 1935 to 1953 a member of the council of the Istituto di studi adriatici .

Lazzarini's focus was on the history of the Republic of Venice , especially the 14th century and the early days. But he also dealt with culture and art, in particular with the school of the painter Francesco Squarcione (1397–1468). In addition, he emerged with work on the conspiracy of Marin Faliero , the Chioggia war , but also on the Carrara. In the field of art, he dealt with the Rimatori veneziani del sec. XIV in his first publication , or collected sources on Paduan painting. The Scritti di paleografia e diplomatica , published in 1938, brought together works on the writing school of Verona in the 9th century, on an inscription from the Byzantine Torcello discovered in 1895 , which was dated to 639, on paper production in medieval Veneto or on the earliest phase of the Venetian chancellery .

Publications (selection)

  • Rimatori veneziani del sec. XIV , Padua 1887.
  • Scuola Calligrafica Veronese del secolo IX , in: Memorie del R. Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti XXVII, 3, Venice 1904.
  • (Ed.): Documenti relativi alla pittura padovana del sec. XV , in: Nuovo archvio Veneto 15 (1908) 72–190, 249–321.
  • Proprietà e feudi, offici, garzoni, carcerati in antiche leggi veneziane , Edizioni di Storia e letteratura, Rome 1960.
  • Marino Faliero. Avanti il ​​dogado. La congiura. Appendici , Sansoni, Florence 1963.
  • Scritti di paleografia e diplomatica , Venice 1938; 2nd expanded edition, Padua 1969.

Web links


  1. ↑ In 1963 Marino Faliero appeared. Avanti il ​​dogado - La congiura - Appendici Sansoni, Florence.
  2. Rimatori veneziani del sec. XIV , 1887.
  3. Documenti relativi alla pittura padovana del sec. XV , 1908.
  4. Scritti di paleografia e diplomatica , 1938; 2nd expanded edition, 1969.
  5. ^ Scuola calligrafica veronese del secolo IX , 1904.
  6. Il preteso documento della fondazione di Venezia e la cronaca del medico Jacopo Dardi , in: Atti del Reale Istituto veneto di scienze, lette re ed arti, Classe di scienze morali, lettere ed arti 75 (1915–1916 1263–1281) and Un 'inscrizione torcellana del secolo VII , Venice 1914.
  7. Originali antichissimi della Cancelleria veneziana. Osservazioni diplomatiche e paleografiche , in: Nuovo Archivio Veneto, ns, VIII (1904) 199–229.