Vladimir Richter

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Vladimir Richter (born July 14, 1925 in Chirlitz near Brno , † February 24, 2013 in Rum ) was a Czech philosopher and Jesuit .


After graduating from high school in Brno (1944), he studied mathematics and physics at the natural science faculty of the University of Brno ( Dr. rer. Nat. 1949). After emigrating to Austria in 1950 , he became a member of the Jesuit order ( ordained priest in 1955). From 1952 to 1956 he studied philosophy and theology in Pullach near Munich and Innsbruck . He completed special studies with Paul Lorenzen in 1957 ( Kiel University ). In 1964 he became a lecturer in Christian philosophy at the theological faculty of the University of Innsbruck. In the same year he received the Cardinal Innitzer Prize . In 1969 he became an associate professor at the Institute for Christian Philosophy of the Theological Faculty in Innsbruck. 1974 became a university professor there (1983–1985 dean ). From 1958 to 1995 he taught as a visiting professor at the University of Philosophy . From 1962 to 1969 he taught as a visiting professor at the Pontificia Università Gregoriana in Rome . Since 1967 he was a member of the Société Internationale pour l'étude de la Philosophie Médiévale.


  • Investigations into the operational logic of the present . Freiburg 1965, OCLC 959629338 , (habilitation thesis, Innsbruck 1963).
  • Guillelmi de Ockham Opera Philosophica . St. Bonaventure NY 1974-1988, OCLC 470547394 .
  • Studies on the literary work of Johannes Duns Scotus . Munich 1988, ISBN 3769690141 .
  • On the way to historic Ockham . Innsbruck 1998, ISBN 3901502181 .
  • with Hans Kraml and Gerhard Leibold : Johannes Duns Scotus. About the knowledge of God. Texts on philosophy and theology. Latin-German . Hamburg 2000, ISBN 3787315446 .

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