Voice crack

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Voice Crack was a Swiss duo who played experimental electronic music .

The duo, consisting of Andy Guhl and Norbert Möslang, formed at the end of 1972 and has performed under the name Voice Crack since 1984 . With their music, the duo coined the term “cracked everyday electronics” since the 1980s: The musicians use everyday electronic devices such as dictaphones, record players, etc., from which they elicited new noises by controlling them with hand movements and light via a complex control system.

Since the early 1980s, Voice Crack has been part of several dozen exhibitions and other artistic events. The band also gave appearances outside of Switzerland, for example in France and at a concert with eRikm in Australia. At their concerts, Voice Crack played together with cross-border projects of a different nature, such as the band Bedrock , which Uri Caine co-founded . In 2001 Voice Crack were the official representatives of Switzerland at the Venice Biennale .

The duo separated in 2003, Guhl and Möslang have since pursued their own projects.


  • 1977: Deep Voices ( FMP )
  • 1980: Brissugo (Uhlang Production)
  • 1982: Knack On (FMP)
  • 1983: Iron workshop (Uhlang Production)
  • 1984: Voice Crack (Uhlang Production)
  • 1985: Radio Laboratory (Uhlang Production)
  • 1986: Kick that Habit (Uhlang Production)
  • 1987: Wire (Verlag Vexer)
  • 1988: Fish that Sparkling Bubble (with Borbetomagus ; Uhlang Production)
  • 1990: Earflash (Uhlang Production)
  • 1994: Concerto for Cracked Everyday-electronics and Chamber Orchestra (with Borbetomagus; Uhlang Production)
  • 1996: Table Chair and Hatstand (with Günter Müller and Jim O'Rourke ; Uhlang Production)
  • 1997: Below Beyond Above (Uhlang Production)
  • 1998: Taken & changed (fals.ch)
  • 1999: Infra Red (Uhlang Production)
  • 1999: poire_z (with Günter Müller and eRikm; For4Ears)
  • 2000: poire_z + (with Günter Müller, eRikm, Christian Marclay , Sachiko M. and Otomo Yoshihide ; Erstwhile)
  • 2000: shock_late (emm)
  • 2000: Ballchannel (meeuw muzak)
  • 2001: Bits, Bots & Signs (with Otomo Yoshihide; Erstwhile)
  • 2001: presque_chic (with Günter Müller, eRikm; Sonoris)
  • 2001: Double Wash (with Lionel Marchetti and Jérôme Noetinger ; GROB)
  • 2002: Buda Rom (with Günter Müller; For4ears)
  • 2003: Oystered (with Oren Ambarchi and Günter Müller ; Audiosphere)
  • 2003: Ba kagpja (with Carlos Zingaro ; sirr)


  1. ^ Swiss Federal Office of Culture: 49th Venice Biennale

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