Oren Ambarchi

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Oren Ambarchi (2007)

Oren Ambarchi (* 1969 in Sydney ) is an Australian multi-instrumentalist and composer .

Live and act

Ambarchi was born into a family of Sephardic Jews from Iraq . He attended an Orthodox Jewish school in Brooklyn , New York City . He began his musical career as a free jazz drummer. Later, under the influence of Japanoise , he switched to guitar and became active in the noise scene. He also names the composers Morton Feldman and Alvin Lucier as early influences. In 1993 he appeared at the invitation of John Zorn at the Radical Jewish Culture Festival in New York. 1998 began his solo career with the one- take recorded Stacte . He started teaching improvisation at the University of Western Sydney in the early 2000s . In 2005 he appeared on Sunn O))) s album Black One . In 2013 a joint album was created with the composer John Tilbury .

In 1994 he founded What Is Music? Festival.

Discographic notes

Web links