Volksbank Gronau-Ahaus

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Logo of the cooperative banks  Volksbank Gronau-Ahaus eG
Country GermanyGermany Germany
Seat Neustraße 42-46
48599 Gronau
legal form registered cooperative
Bank code 401 640 24
Association Genossenschaftsverband - Association of Regions eV
Website www.vbga.de
Business data 2018
Total assets € 3,146 million
insoles € 1,580 million
Customer credit € 2,646 million
Employee 334
Offices 30 (including 7 SB)
Members 31,971
Board Frank Overkamp, ​​chairman;
Michael Kersting
Supervisory board Felizita Söbbeke, chairwoman
List of cooperative banks in Germany

The Volksbank Gronau-Ahaus eG is a cooperative bank based in Gronau . On the list of cooperative banks in Germany by size, Volksbank Gronau-Ahaus ranks 53rd out of 873. Its business area includes the northern part of the Borken district and the municipality of Metelen in the Steinfurt district .


In September 1901, the Volksbank Gronau was founded by 40 founding members on the initiative of the craftsmen's association. Master baker Engelbert Billich became the first chairman of the supervisory board. Local health insurance fund manager J. Bremmers, innkeeper Bernhard Plaßmann and book printer owner Joh. Schievink were appointed to the board. The company's share was 5 gold marks .

In 1907 Volksbank Gronau published its statutes in printed form for the first time. The second safe was purchased around 1910. In 1920, the second branch was opened in Bremmer Stift, directly in front of the Antoniuskirche on Neustraße.

In the first few years of its existence, the Gronauer Volksbank had low sales, but these increased over time. In 1913 the turnover was already 3,785,000 marks, the savings deposits 133,000 marks. The membership had risen to 111, and in 1914 the business balance was 29,278 marks and the reserve fund was 25,829 marks. During the war the number of members fell to 70 at the end of 1918. During the hyperinflation of 1922 and 1923, the bank lost almost all of its assets. The balance sheet total for 1923 was 183,636,391,413,000,000 marks. In 1924 a net profit of 4,324 marks was achieved with a turnover of 4,572,877 marks. The share capital this year reached a total of 10,863 marks. Although the confidence of savers was destroyed by the inflation, this year already 21,334 marks were booked in savings. At the end of 1925 the balance sheet showed savings of over 60,000 marks.

In 1931 the bank moved into its first bank building.

In 1948 the Volksbank Gronau suffered again from inflation and currency reform . After the financial statements in June 1948 showed total assets of 6,357,000 Reichsmarks due to inflation, most of the assets were devalued as part of the currency reform. During the economic miracle , however, sales and earnings rose sharply again. In 1951 the bank had 284 members, in 1952 the balance sheet total reached DM 1 million for the first time . In 1964 there were already 10 million DM in the books. In 1966 the number of members was 1,070.

In 1972 the new main office building in the center of the city of Gronau and the Schöppingen branch were opened. The number of members had grown to 5,043. In 1974 a balance sheet total of 100 million DM was reached. In 1991 the new headquarters at the corner of Neustraße / Paßweg was inaugurated. In 1996 the total assets exceeded one billion DM for the first time.

CEO / Board Spokesperson

In 1906 Anton Philips became head of the Volksbank and was to keep the function until his death as a soldier in the First World War on March 16, 1917. In 1923 Georg Zschetzsching took over the management of the bank. After his death in 1935, Walter Botschen was appointed his successor in 1936. In 1964 Walter Botschen retired and was succeeded by Hermann Brügger, who had been a member of the board since 1963. In 1993, CEO Hermann Brügger retired after a total of 49 years at Volksbank, including 30 years as a member of the board. His successor was Werner Schmidt, a member of the board since 1976, who held this position until 2004. His successor - in the role of spokesman for the board - was Wilfried Schlimm until December 30, 2010. In November 2011, Frank Overkamp was elected by the Supervisory Board as spokesman for the management board and appointed as chairman of the management board with effect from March 1, 2014.


Volksbank Gronau-Ahaus emerged from a large number of mergers with neighboring cooperative banks.

  • In 1971 Volksbank Gronau merged with the savings and loan funds Epe (total assets 19.1 million DM, founded in 1894) and Schöppingen- Eggerode (total assets 3.7 million DM, founded in 1889).
  • In 1990 the merger with Volksbank Alstätte eG took place (total assets in 1989: 51.4 million DM).
  • In 1998 the bank received its current name after the merger with Volksbank Ahaus (total assets 1997: 470.5 million DM, founded in 1885) and Volksbank Legden (total assets 1997: 112.9 million DM).
  • In 2002 the bank merged with Volksbank Metelen eG.
  • In 2004 the merger with Volksbank Vreden eG took place (total assets 131.5 million euros).

Another predecessor institution of Volksbank Gronau-Ahaus is the savings and loan bank Heek , founded in 1885 , which began operations on January 22, 1886 and merged in 1969 with what was then the savings and loan bank Ahaus, later known as Volksbank Ahaus.


  • Hanspeter Dickel : 100 years Volksbank Gronau-Ahaus eG 1901 - 2001; a book by Volksbank Gronau-Ahaus eG . Gronau: 2001
  • Extension and renovation of the main office of Volksbank Gronau-Ahaus eG in Gronau ; in: Bürgerbuch 2001/02, pp. 264–267
  • Hanspeter Dickel : The Drilandstein sculpture in front of the main office of Volksbank eG Gronau ; in: Bürgerbuch 1993/94, pp. 210–213

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Master data of the credit institute at the Deutsche Bundesbank
  2. Facts & Figures as of December 31, 2018
  3. List of all cooperative banks (as of the end of 2018)
  4. ^ "Foundation of a Volksbank", in: Gronauer Nachrichten of September 11th (no year)
  5. ^ "25 years of Volksbank Gronau", in: Annual report for 1926
  6. ^ Annual report 1930, report of the board of directors
  7. ^ Annual report 1972, report of the board
  8. War Honor Book ... (Gronau 1922, p. 119)

Coordinates: 52 ° 12 ′ 38.8 "  N , 7 ° 1 ′ 34"  E