Adult Education Center Waltrop

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Adult Education Center Waltrop
founding 1.1.1947
Sponsorship state
place Waltrop
state North Rhine-Westphalia
country Germany
management Michael-Clemens Schmale
(VHS director)
Employee 5 (full-time) and approx. 130 (part-time)

The Adult Education Center Waltrop (VHS Waltrop) is a communal institution for further education in the city of Waltrop in the Recklinghausen district (northern Ruhr area). It works on the basis of the Further Education Act (WbG) North Rhine-Westphalia. The offers are open to everyone aged 16 and over.

History and staff

According to the ideas of the Allies after the end of the Second World War , the VHS Waltrop was founded on January 1, 1947. The first program offer comprised 4 pages, 7 courses and 6 lectures. Over 31 years, the community college was honorable or part-time passed. In the autumn semester of 1978, based on a changed legal situation in North Rhine-Westphalia, it was merged with the adult education centers in Datteln and Oer-Erkenschwick to form the new VHS Ostvest (with headquarters in Datteln). From now on there was a full-time pedagogical management (head: Erwin Bawulski) and several full-time pedagogical employees (responsible for the Waltrop office: Rolf-Dieter Möhle). On January 1, 1981, this association was dissolved and the VHS Waltrop became independent under the direction of Rolf-Dieter Möhle. A short time later, Jürgen Schmidt-Güth became the deputy head. After his resignation in 1988, this position was taken over by Michael-Clemens Schmale, who was born in Waltrop and who has also headed the VHS since Möhle's retirement in 2007. Since then, Andreas Guderian has been his deputy. At your side are an administrative manager, two clerks and two part-time service staff. Around 100 part-time, fee-based employees (VHS course instructors) and numerous speakers take care of the lessons.

VHS Waltrop is a member of the State Association of Adult Education Centers of North Rhine-Westphalia , Düsseldorf, its head is a member of the Organization and Finance Committee (OFA) of the State Association and for the German Adult Education Association (DVV) a member of the supervisory board of the Grimme Institute (until 2017) .


VHS Waltrop publishes an annual program (for the autumn and spring semesters) once a year in the summer with around 200 pages (circulation: approx. 9500 copies) and a range of around 450 events and around 9000 hours of teaching. In addition, there has been a summer VHS program since 1995, one of the first of its kind in Germany at the time. This additional program covers the period from May to September of each year. Approx. 20% of the annual teaching volume falls within this period. Currently, the average number of annual registrations is around 6,000 to 7,000 in total. A good third of these registrations come from outside (non-Waltrop) participants. The public grant is provided by the state of North Rhine-Westphalia and the sponsor, the city of Waltrop. In addition, the institution is financed through participation fees, project funds (e.g. European Social Fund ) and contract measures. According to the statutes, socially disadvantaged people receive appropriate discounts.

Structure and content

The program structure of the VHS Waltrop is essentially divided into six study areas:

I: Current forum (politics, society, ecology, study trips)
II: People, family & personality (pedagogy, relaxation, target groups)
III: Culture, creativity & handicraft (art, music, dance, literature)
IV: Languages ​​(foreign languages, language forum, basic education)
V: IT, school & work (computer courses, educational leave, communication)
VI: Health, exercise & nutrition (sport, gymnastics, aqua and cooking courses)

In addition to the actual core business of the courses and seminars, the Adult Education Center in Waltrop offers excursions, study trips, readings, concerts and lectures. The guests and speakers at the VHS Waltrop in recent years have included a. Egon Bahr , Joachim Gauck , Rita Süssmuth , Franz Müntefering , Norbert Lammert , Heiner Geißler , Gregor Gysi . The VHS also organizes exhibitions of an artistic nature as well as on social and historical topics in schools, in the town hall, in banks, in the hospital and in the Kulturforum Kapelle. Since 2007 there has been a special event every year at the beginning of the semester in autumn.

VHS Waltrop realizes many educational and cultural offers in cooperation and / or with the support of others. Particular mention should be made of the Catholic and Protestant parishes of Waltrops, the Waltrop schools and the Pedagogical Forum, the Kulturforum Kapelle, local bookshops, the St. Laurentius Stift hospital, Sparkasse Vest, Volksbank and Manufactum, neighboring adult education centers, and municipal institutions , the world shop for fair trade and the West German Broadcasting Corporation (WDR), which has recorded and broadcast several concerts, lectures and discussions (in particular the “Philosophical Café” for years) in Waltrop. With the "Lebenshilfe", the VHS z. Partly inclusive offers for people with and without disabilities. In cooperation with the mayoress, the VHS is in charge of organizing an annual event against racism, anti-Semitism and xenophobia on the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of the Holocaust on January 27th .

VHS building in Waltrop

House of Education and Culture (HBK)

The adult education center in Waltrop has its own administration and teaching building ("House of Education and Culture") at Ziegeleistraße 14 in the city center. In addition to the offices, the citizens will find ten classrooms here, including specialist rooms for relaxation, dance, IT, lectures, and a studio. The building itself (formerly the office building and rectorate school) dates from 1907 and has been enlarged and modernized several times. The building also houses additional offices from the optimized urban cultural area. The voluntary group of refugee aid also uses the rooms for their first German courses. Further courses and events take place in sports facilities, schools and swimming pools as well as u. a. held in church institutions.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Der Reiseleiter , WAZ April 16, 2009, accessed January 27, 2016
  2. Federal Minister a. D. Heiner Geißler comes to Waltrop: Reading and discussion in the House of Encounters , website of the city of Waltrop from January 3, 2016, accessed on January 27, 2016
  3. Reading on Holocaust Remembrance Day: Example of successful integration on Waltroper Zeitung , registration required, accessed on January 27, 2016
  4. German lessons , website of the refugee aid Waltrop, accessed on May 31, 2016