People's Commissariat for Agriculture

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People's Commissariat for Agriculture, Moscow

The People's Commissariat for Agriculture of the USSR (Russian: Народный комиссариат земледелия СССР; Abbreviation: НКЗ СССР; Transcription: NKS; usually only briefly referred to as Наркомзем, transcription was founded on December 7, 1929). The previously existing People's Commissariats for Agriculture in the individual Soviet republics were retained, as were the organs responsible for agriculture in the oblasts and regions. The first People's Commissar for Agriculture of the USSR was Jakow Jakowlew . The creation of a People's Commissariat for Agriculture at Union level had become necessary in order to create “uniform planning and management for agriculture in the USSR and a uniform center for the direct management of large farms” (decree of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR of December 7th 1929).

The People's Commissariat for Agriculture had the task of directing the socialist restructuring of agriculture, the construction of the sovkhozes , collective farms and machine-tractor stations , as well as the work of the People's Commissariats for Agriculture in the individual Soviet republics.

From 1930 to 1933 the People's Commissariat was occupied with the problems of resettling the rural population and thus replaced the Union Committee for Resettlement (Russian: Всесоюзный переселенческий комитет; ВПК). From 1925 to 1930, this committee was responsible for issues relating to the “economic appropriation” of unpopulated and sparsely populated areas at the Central Executive Committee. In particular, areas of greater political or economic importance, with corresponding raw material deposits, were intended to increase agricultural and industrial production.

In 1929 alone, the first year of the USSR's 1st Five-Year Plan, 319,000 people were resettled. Before that, a million people had already been resettled to the Far Eastern region, to Siberia, to the lower reaches of the Volga and to the Urals as part of the “ deculakization ”.

The "Agriculture and Resettlement Sector" of the People's Commissariat dealt with these resettlements, which were later referred to as "Kulak exile" (Russian "кулацкая ссылка"). Since the resettlements were not organized and carried out satisfactorily, this task was assigned to the Union Committee for Resettlement (Russian: Всесоюзный переселенческий комитет; abbreviation: ВПК; transcription: WPK) at the Council of People's Commissars from 1933 to 1936 .

The People's Commissariat for Agriculture was restructured on October 1, 1932, and a second People's Commissariat was split off - the People's Commissariat for Grain and Animal Breeding Sovkhoz (Russian: Народный Комиссариат зерновых и животновых и животноводческиких;. At the same time, a People's Commissariat for Agriculture was retained under its previous name.

As part of the Stalin purges , but before the Great Terror , the so-called "Kondrad-Wolf-Kowarskij Group" was charged by the OGPU state police with counterrevolutionary activity, espionage and pest activity against the national economy. On March 11, 1933, it was sentenced to death and shot the next day. Kondrad was deputy people's commissar in the Narkomsem, Wolf was deputy people's commissar in the Narkomsowchos and Kowarskij was deputy chairman of the tractor committee.

At the 17th party congress of the CPSU (1934), the People's Commissariat for Agriculture was reprimanded for not being up to its tasks in managing the 200,000 kolkhozes in the country. The People's Commissar Jakow Jakowlew was replaced by Chernov (Russian М. А. Чернов). After he fell victim to the "purges" in 1938, he was replaced by Robert Eiche . This in turn fell victim to the "purges" after six months. Successor was Benediktow (Russian И. А. Бенедиктов), he was the first People's Commissar for Agriculture who had an agricultural university education.

In March 1946, the People's Commissariat for Agriculture was renamed the Ministry of Agriculture .

List of People's Commissars for Agriculture

Milyutin, Vladimir Pavlovich Милютин, Владимир Павлович 1917
Mediator, Aleksander Grigoryevich Шлихтер, Александр Григорьевич 1917
Kolegaew, Andrei Lukitsch Колегаев, Андрей Лукич 1917-1918
Sereda, Semyon Pafnoyevich Середа, Семён Пафнутьевич 1918-1921
Osinskij-Obolenskij, Valerian Valerianowitsch Осинский-Оболенский, Валериан Валерианович 1921-1922
Jakowenko, Wassili Grigoryevich Яковенко, Василий Григорьевич 1922-1923
Smirnov, Aleksander Petrovich Смирнов, Александр Петрович 1923-1928
Kubjak, Nikolai Afanassjewitsch Кубяк, Николай Афанасьевич 1928-1929
Jakowlew-Epstein, Jakow Arkadjewitsch Яковлев-Эпштейн, Яков Аркадьевич 1929-1934
Chernov, Mikhail Aleksandrovich Чернов, Михаил Александрович 1934-1937
Oak, Robert Indrikowitsch Эйхе, Роберт Индрикович 1937-1938
Benediktow, Ivan Aleksandrovich Бенедиктов, Иван Александрович 1938-1943
Andreev, Andrej Andreevitsch Андреев, Андрей Андреевич 1943-1946


  • Otto Schmidt et al: Bolschaja sowetskaja enziklopedija: Tom 41 . Sovetskaya enziklopedija, Moscow 1939, col. 205-206. (Russian)
  • A. Turgajew et al .: Wysschije organy gossudarstvennoi vlasti i uprawlenija Rossii IX-XX fw . : sprawotschnik . Isdatelstwo SSAGS, Saint Petersburg 2000, ISBN 5-88857-070-2 , p. 296 ff. (Russian)